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Opinions Year 1998



PREC 01-98    Effective Date of Pub. L. No. 105-111--Revision of Decisions Based on Clear and Unmistakable Error    Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 1-98, VAOPGCPREC 1-98, 1998

PREC 02-98    Benefits Based on Service-Connected Disability or Death--Disabilities Resulting from Alcohol or Drug Abuse--Pub. L. No. 101-508, § 8052    Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 2-98, VAOPGCPREC 2-98, 1998

PREC 03-98    Definition of Institution in 38 USC §§ 101(4)(A)(iii) & 104(a)    Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 3-98, VAOPGCPREC 3-98, 1998

PREC 04-98    Applicability of 38 U.S.C. § 2305 in Claims for Burial Benefits Based upon Service in the Commonwealth Army of the Philippines During World War II     Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 4-98, VAOPGCPREC 4-98, 1998

PREC 05-98    Distribution of Estate Assets    Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 5-98, VAOPGCPREC 5-98, 1998

PREC 06-98    Consideration of Waiver and Challenge to Validity of Debt    Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 6-98, VAOPGCPREC 6-98, 1998

PREC 07-98    REPS (Restored Entitlement Program for Survivors) Effective Dates Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 7-98, VAOPGCPREC 7-98, 1998   

PREC 08-98    Compensation for Undiagnosed Illness Under 38 U.S.C. § 1117 and 38 C.F.R. § 3.317     Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 8-98, VAOPGCPREC 8-98, 1998

PREC 09-98    Multiple Ratings for Musculoskeletal Disability and Applicability of 38 C.F.R. §§ 4.40, 4.45, and 4.59     Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 9-98, VAOPGCPREC 9-98, 1998

PREC 10-98    Surviving Spouse’s Benefit for Month of Veteran’s Death--38 U.S.C. § 5310(b); 38 C.F.R. § 3.20(c)     Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 10-98, VAOPGCPREC 10-98, 1998

PREC 11-98    Priorities for Care Under VA’s New Patient Enrollment System     Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 11-98, VAOPGCPREC 11-98, 1998

PREC 12-98    Effective Date of Increased Rating Claim -- 38 C.F.R. § 3.400(o)(2) and (q)(1)(i)     Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 12-98, VAOPGCPREC 12-98, 1998

PREC 13-98    Surviving Spouse’s Eligibility for Benefits--38 U.S.C. § 1311 (e) --Pub. L. No. 105-178, § 8207    Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 13-98, VAOPGCPREC 13-98, 1998

PREC 14-98    Issues Raised by Joint Remand Motion: Presumption of Aggravation for Chronic Diseases; Removal of Documents from Claims File; Validity of 38 C.F.R. § 20.903    Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 1-98, VAOPGCPREC 1-98, 1998

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Reviewed/Updated: January 15, 2003