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Picture of National Urban Search and Rescue Response System
National Urban Search and Rescue Response System:
Ensures a coordinated National all-risk capability to assist State and local governments locate, extricate and medically treat victims of structural collapse
Vist FEMA US&R Home Page

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FEMA: Urban Search and Rescue Response System
The search team ventures around and into the collapsed structure shoring up structures and attemptin...
Rank: 76.42  
FEMA: Urban Search and Rescue Response System - Past Deployments
FEMA: Urban Search and Rescue Response System - Past Deployments. Within five hours of the blast the...
Rank: 76.08  
All other forms of search and rescue (e.g., water, wilderness, subterranean) are managed under d...
Rank: 75.88  
FEMA: Urban Search And Rescue: Commonly Asked Questions
FEMA: Urban Search And Rescue: Commonly Asked Questions. A. The search and rescue specialists being ...
Rank: 75.49  
DisasterHelp.gov Home
US&R Links Channel Search & Rescue Govt Resources FEMA: Urban Search and Rescue Response System ...
Rank: 75.38  

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