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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


What Is IARD?

How To Register

Set Up Account

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Forms, Policy, & Law

Filing Fees

Hardware/Software Requirements

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Electronic Filing for Investment Advisers on IARD:
Help, Tips, and Links for Electronic Filing

Where To Go for Help

If you have questions about Form ADV, electronic filing, using IARD, or registering with the SEC electronically, please contact the organizations as indicated below.

Questions about:   Contact:

IARD Entitlement Forms to set up an IARD Account
or NASDR by calling
(240) 386-4848

Using IARD or completing IARD Entitlement Forms   NASDR by calling
(240) 386-4848
or by e-mail

SEC Legal/Regulatory Issues   SEC staff by calling
(202) 942-0691
or by e-mail

State Filing Issues   NASAA by calling
(202) 737-0460
or by e-mail

SEC Filing Status   SEC staff by calling
(202) 942-7820

SEC Registration Filing Tips

   *   Return your IARD Entitlement Forms promptly!   NASDR will set up your IARD Account within two weeks (ten business days) or less. Be sure you have completed your forms properly so that corrections do not have to be made. If you have questions about the IARD Entitlement Forms, call NASDR at (240) 386-4848.

   *   Fund your IARD Financial Account early!   Some advisers send a wire transfer or check to NASDR on the same day they wanted to file Form ADV over IARD. Unfortunately these advisers cannot submit their electronic filing because the funds are not yet credited to their financial account. Submit money for your filing fees several days before you plan to file. You cannot submit your filing until funds are received and credited to your financial account.

   *   Write your CRD number on your check or wire transfer instructions!   Including your CRD number helps ensure that your money is credited to the correct account. This speeds the processing of funds.

   *   Know your state registration status!   An adviser registering with the SEC needs to know if it is required to make notice filings with state securities authorities in states where the adviser does business. A few advisers also must be separately registered with state securities authorities, particularly if the firm provides investment advice to state pension funds. Information about an adviser's state registration status is requested when completing Form ADV.

   *   Don't cancel your state registration until your SEC registration is effective!   The SEC has 45 days to review and approve your electronic application (Form ADV) for SEC registration. If you currently are registered with one or more state securities authorities, do not let your state registration(s) laps by withdrawing your state registration(s) too early. You will not be registered with the SEC until your application is declared effective. The SEC will mail you an effective order to notify you. You also can check your status on IARD under Registration Status.


Links to Other Important Websites Related to IARD

  •   IAPD (Investment Adviser Public Disclosure) site provides background information about registered investment advisers filing electronically through IARD.
  •   NASDR (National Association of Securities Dealers Regulation) site provides important information on using IARD
  •   NASAA (North American Securities Administrators Association) site provides important information on state issues related to IARD. After accessing the site's homepage, use the pull-down menu at the top and select "Investment Adviser."

Modified: 02/08/2002