U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Summary Financial Information for the Investment Adviser Registration Depository

1999 2000 2001 2002
Filing Fees From SEC Firm Filings $0 $44,800 $6,611,550 $3,434,850
Total SEC Revenue $0 $44,800 $6,611,550 $3,434,850
State Firm Filing Fees $0 $1,200 $549,000 $1,506,020
Investment Adviser Representative Filing Fees $0 $0 $0 $13,199,220
Total State Revenue $0 $1,200 $549,000 $14,705,240
Sale of IARD Data to Public $0 $0 $0 $14,520
Total Revenue $0 $46,000 $7,160,550 $18,154,610
Development Expenses
System Development Attributed to SEC Functionality* $1,024,081 $3,820,951 $1,809,149 $714,047
Technology Fee Paid to NASD** $0 $0 $0 $250,000
SEC Payment Offset $0 $0 $0 -$35,431
Offset of Development Expense By Government Payment of License Fee to NASD $0 -$2,400,000 -$600,000 -$200,000
Total SEC Development Expenses $1,024,080 $1,420,951 $1,209,149 $728,615
System Development Attributed to State Firm Functionality*** $398,254 $1,485,924 $974,157 $612,670
Investment Adviser Representative Filing and Processing*** $0 $0 $1,839,818 $2,466,945
Total State Development Expense $398,254 $1,485,924 $2,813,975 $3,079,615
Total Development Expense $1,422,334 $2,906,875 $4,023,124 $3,808,230
Operating Expenses
Expenses Attributed to SEC Functionality $0 $554,164 $1,398,137 $909,546
Expenses Attributed to State Functionality $0 $215,929 $1,263,779 $2,102,320
Total Operating Expenses $0 $770,093 $2,661,916 $3,011,866
Development and Operating Expenses
Expenses Attributed to SEC Functionality $1,024,080 $1,975,115 $2,607,286 $1,638,161
Expenses Attributed to State Functionality $398,254 $1,701,853 $4,077,754 $5,181,934
Total Development and Operating Expenses $1,422,334 $3,676,968 $6,685,040 $6,820,096
Cost of Capital
For SEC Functionality $29,062 $239,504 $0 $0
For State Functionality $11,302 $110,952 $260,160 $329,270
Total Cost of Capital $40,364 $350,456 $260,160 $329,270
Total Other Program Expenses $40,364 $350,456 $260,160 $329,270
Total All Expenses $1,462,698 $4,027,424 $6,945,200 $7,149,366
Attributed to SEC Functionality -$1,053,142 -$2,169,819 $4,004,264 $1,796,689
Attributed to State Functionality -$409,556 -$1,811,605 $3,788,914 $9,194,036
Attributed to Sale of IARD Data to Public $0 $0 $0 $14,520
Total Program Income/Loss -$1,462,698 -$3,981,424 $215,350 $11,005,245
Cumulative Surplus/Deficit
SEC Functionality -$1,053,142 -$3,222,960 $781,304 $2,577,993
State Functionality -$409,555 -$2,221,162 -$6,010,076 $3,183,960
Sale of IARD Data to Public $0 $0 $0 $14,520
Total Cumulative Surplus/Deficit -$1,462,698 -$5,444,122 -$5,228,772 $5,776,473
*Expenses allocated to SEC functionality include expenses related to a system for investment advisers to file registration statements and withdrawals with the SEC, for SEC staff to process the filings, and to provide public disclosure of filings.
**Under a Memorandum of Understanding between the SEC and the NASD, the NASD is entitled to an annual technology fee of $250,000 to compensate the NASD for CRD technology it developed and upon which the IARD system relies.
***Expenses allocated to State functionality include expenses related to additional functionality necessary for state filings.



Modified: 08/01/2003