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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


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Electronic Filing for Investment Advisers on IARD:
Forms, Policy, and Law

Forms for IARD

SEC Releases on IARD and the Revised Form ADV

  • SEC Amendments to Form ADV; Technical Amendments. [Release Nos. IA-1916, 34-43758 (December 21, 2000)]

  • SEC Release Adopting Amendments to Form ADV. [Release No. IA-1897; 34-43282 (September 12, 2000); File No. S7-10-00]

  • SEC Release Proposing Amendments to Form ADV [Release No. IA-1862; 34-42620 (April 5, 2000); File No. S7-10-00]

Comment Summary

Statements on IARD

  • "Amendments to Form ADV" – Opening Statement by Chairman Arthur Levitt at the Open Commission Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 5, 2000. (File name: spch383.htm)

  • "Amendments to Form ADV" – Statement of Paul F. Roye, Director, Division of Investment Management, at the Open Commission Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 5, 2000. (File name: spch384.htm)


Modified: 10/17/2003