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Electronic Filing for Investment Advisers on IARD:
How To Register With the SEC as an Investment Adviser

All advisers now register with the SEC electronically through IARD, a secure Internet based data system. Setting Up an IARD Account is the first step in the registration process. Once an adviser establishes an IARD account, the adviser can access Form ADV (Part 1) on IARD, complete this part of Form ADV, and submit it electronically through IARD to the SEC. Part II of Form ADV is completed in paper form as discussed below.

The SEC generally has 45 days after receipt of the Form ADV to declare an applicant's registration effective. The SEC will mail an Effective Order to an adviser once an adviser's registration is declared effective. An adviser can also check on IARD under the heading "Registration Status" to see if its registration has been declared effective by the SEC.

Form ADV does have two parts.

  • Part 1 asks for information about an adviser's business, the persons who own or control the adviser, and whether the adviser or certain of its personnel have been sanctioned for violating the securities laws or other laws. Part 1 is available in electronic format and is both filed and amended through IARD. See the General Instructions to Form ADV (No. 4) for information on updating Form ADV.
  • Part II is a written disclosure statement (or a written brochure) that provides information about business practices, fees, and conflicts of interest the adviser may have with its clients. Part II must be completed in paper format. IARD is not prepared to accept an electronic filing of Part II at this time. You can print a blank copy of Part II from this website by clicking on Forms, Law and Policy; under Current Forms, click on Form ADV and scroll down to page 68 to find Part II.

    Part II is a disclosure statement that an adviser must use to provide information to clients and potential clients. Read rule 204-3 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 regarding your legal obligations 1) to deliver a copy of Part II (or a brochure containing comparable information) to prospective clients and 2) to offer annually a copy of Part II (or a brochure containing comparable information) to all current customers. You must keep your Part II current, maintain a copy in your files, and make it available to SEC staff upon request. Do not send your Part II to the SEC. Check with state securities authorities to determine what their filing requirements are for Part II.

For further information about registering with the SEC and the legal obligations of an SEC registered adviser, see the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and the rules adopted under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

For information about state securities registration requirements, including notice filing requirements for SEC registered advisers, check with the appropriate state securities authorities and NASAA.

Modified: 02/21/2002