Laser Speed Measuring Devices FLORIDA


The Florida Legislature enacted legislation in 1993 which authorized the use of laser speed measuring devices by Florida law enforcement personnel. The Administrative Code Rule governing the use of speed measuring devices, Rule 15B, however, did not address the operation of laser technology or any of the newer radar technologies, such as Same Direction Radar, that did not exist at the time Rule 15B was established. It was clear that some of these technologies were being operated under the old rules and with the old training which may or may not have been appropriate. There was a serious concern that some law enforcement agencies in Florida would purchase and use the new laser equipment before adequate rules were developed, creating a potentially adverse affect on the acceptance of these new devices by the courts.


The goals of this project were to:


The State Safety Office of the Florida Department of Transportation provided a grant to the Institute of Police Technology and Management at the University of North Florida to provide for the establishment of a Technical Review Committee to take on this challenge. A seven-member Technical Advisory Committee on Speed Measuring Devices was created in late FY 1993 with representatives of the following agencies:

Laser Speed Measuring Devices (cont'd)

The committee also secured the consulting services of two physics professors for technical assistance. Committee members were expected to perform their duties in addition to regular assignments at their respective agencies.

The committee met 12 times and accomplished the following:


The Committee completed its work in FY 1994 and an amended Administrative Rule 15B-2 was approved by the State agency with jurisdiction over this rule. In addition, a training curriculum for both laser operators and laser instructors was developed and approved by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission. The first laser operator and instructor courses were conducted in early FY 1995. Since that time, approximately 25-30 agencies have acquired the new laser technology and are using it as part of their speed enforcement efforts.