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Dead Fuel Moisture - NFDRS Last updated: August 06, 2002

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NFDRS Dead Fuel Moisture

  • 10-h, ½" diameter
  • 100-h, 1-3" diameter
  • 1000-h, 3-8" diameter


US48 | AK
US48 | AK
US48 | AK





1000 hour dead fuel moisture Dead fuel moisture responds solely to ambient environmental conditions and is critical in determining fire potential. Dead fuel moistures are classed by timelag. A fuel's timelag is proportional to its diameter and is loosely defined as the time it takes a fuel particle to reach 2/3's of its way to equilibrium with its local environment. Dead fuels in NFDRS fall into four classes:

  • 1-h, less than 1/4" diameter.
Fine flashy fuels that respond quickly to weather changes. Computed from observation time temperature, humidity, and cloudiness.
  • 10-h, 1/4 to 1" diameter.
Computed from observation time temperature, humidity, and cloudiness. Or can be an observed value, from a standard set of "10-Hr Fuel Sticks" that are weighed as part of the fire weather observation.
  • 100-h, 1 to 3" diameter.
Computed from 24-hour average boundary condition composed of day length, hours of rain, and daily temperature/humidity ranges.
  • 1000-h, 3 to 8 " diameter.
Computed from a 7-day average boundary condition composed of day length, hours of rain, and daily temperature/humidity ranges.

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