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Franklin Delano

Eleanor Roosevelt

"This Generation of Americans..."
The Path of
Social Justice

A “New Deal”
“Arsenal of

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Before “FDR” became a household name, before the Great Depression, Americans were looking ahead to a bright future. The stock market crash of 1929 destroyed the future for many, and left little hope for the rest. The generation growing up during this time banded together, under the leadership of a new president, to climb out of this “Great Depression.” That new president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, made full use of their energies, talents, and resolve through a “New Deal” to build this country back up. Not a quick task, it took years to take effect. When it finally began to show promise, the country was thrown into a global war. This same generation was called upon literally to save the world from destruction. From the factories and farms on the homefront, to the battlefields of Europe and the Pacific, they galvanized into an effort that has not been witnessed since. It took four grueling years, but resulted in the United States becoming the most powerful nation on Earth.

Open Daily
8 a.m. to midnight
Closed: Dec. 25
West Basin Drive
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Creation of the National Mall Logo.Link to: Feature Article: Creation of the National Mall.
Last Updated: July 11, 2002
Technical Problems: NACC survey lodge