PNNL Programs In Support of the National Nuclear Safety Administration's Office of International Nuclear Protection and Cooperation (NA-25)


The work of the Office of International Nuclear Cooperation and Emergency Response is conducted through two programs. They are the Material Protection, Control, and Accounting (MPC&A) Program, and the International Emergency Cooperation (IEC) Program.

The MPC&A Program has the mission of reducing the threat to U.S. national security posed by unsecured Russian weapons-usable nuclear material. Measures that are being taken include:

Consolidating material into fewer buildings and at fewer sites 
and converting excess highly-enriched uranium (HEU) to low-enriched uranium (LEU) to reduce the number of theft targets

Installing sustainable physical security and accountancy upgrades appropriate for the level of material attractiveness and the threat of theft.

The program's mission is national security oriented and does not address safety, sabotage, or the environment. The program now is solely focused on Russia.

The goal of the IEC Program is to ensure that foreign governments, international organizations and U.S. Embassies have adequate and effective emergency assistance. This assistance is designed to address policy, planning, and operational aspects of emergency preparedness, and includes programs that address nuclear materials smuggling, emergency policy and planning, development of emergency operations facilities and emergency procedures, and technical training.

Representatives from DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) provide technical and management support to both the MPC&A and the IEC programs.

Key PNNL Staff

Deborah Dickman, Product Line Manager Nuclear Nonproliferation

Steve Mladineo

Ted Aichele

Whit Creer

Representative PNNL Projects 

MPC&A Program Support

A number of courses, seminars, and planning meetings have been held at the Russian Methodological and Training Center in Obninsk, the organization responsible for MC&A training for Minatom. Subject matter has emphasized upgrading nuclear material physical inventory taking, and nuclear materials control and accounting.

Updating the Physical Protection Fundamentals course at the main physical protection training institute in Russia, and develop, evaluate, and deploy computer-based training for the course.

Work with the MPC&A graduate education program at the Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) to increase student enrollment, schedule nonproliferation lectures, and encourage dialogue between MEPhI and the European community.

PNNL staff lead the regulatory development working groups with Minatom and the Russian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, and support other infrastructure areas such as protective force, sustainability operations, and transportation improvement.

Large Fuel Sites - Participate on physical protection upgrade teams for Elektrostal and IPPE.

Large Defense sites - Lead the team working on upgrade of physical protection/material control and accounting for Tomsk-7. Extensively support the Mayak team, including advocating use of adjustable speed AC motor controls to save money and reduce personnel exposure.

Naval Sites - Support the Kurchatov Institute team, with key activities including modification of materials storage containers, upgrading of electronic scales and computers, and upgrading radio equipment.

IEC Program Support

PNNL is supporting the Ukrainian emergency response organization, and the Arctic Council's work on emergency preparedness.

Related Links

Material Protection, Control, and Accounting Program 

NNSA Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation

Site last updated:  Thursday, December 04, 2003 