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 Tuesday October 19, 2004  
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  You might also be interested in: »Dept of Energy »American Red Cross »Fed Emgcy Mgmt Agency

 • Department of Energy - Office of Energy Assurance
 • Energy Assurance Daily
 • American Red Cross: Blackouts
Safety Information for Short-Term Power Outages or "Rolling Blackouts"
 • American Red Cross: Water Treatment
Information and suggestions on treating water after disaster strikes.
 • American Red Cross: Food Safety Guidelines
Perishable foods should not be held above 40 degrees for more than 2 hours.
 • American Red Cross: Generators
Purchasing a Generator and Using a Generator
 • Rolling Blackouts into Disaster Planning
Lightening the Load when the Lights Go Out.
 • Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Introduction to the concept of using on-site renewable energy systems to mitigate the crippling impact of power outages.
 • Department of Energy
Latest News from the Department of Energy
 • USDA: Rural Utilities Service: Rural Electrification Loans
Damage caused by disasters can qualify applicant for Hardship Loans, used to finance electric distribution and sub-transmission facilities.

 • USDA: Food & Nutrition Service: FNS FDP's Food Assistance in Disaster Situations
FNS makes commodities available for distribution to disaster relief agencies, such as the Red Cross, when the President of the United States declares a disaster, as well as in other situations of distress.
 • USDA: Food & Nutrition Service (FNS): EBT Disaster Guidelines
FNS has developed this EBT Disaster Plan Guide to help States in their planning for the electronic issuance of food stamp benefits during a disaster.
 • USDA: Food & Nutrition Service (FNS): FNS FSP State Hotlines
Use the table of telephone numbers to get information on food stamp questions in the states and areas of states listed. Most are toll-free numbers. Some of the numbers that aren't toll free will accept collect calls.

Stations we have Tammy Doherty, last name spelled D O H...
In track two, Ms. Doherty tells us the difference between a power outage and a rolling blackout. Pow...
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FEMA: Rolling Blackouts into Disaster Planning
Power grids, generating plants, transformer stations, power poles and even buried cable are vulnerab...
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disasterhelp.gov Home
Purchasing a Generator and Using a Generator Lightening the Load when the Lights Go Out. Introduct...
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> energy.gov : Press Releases : Department of Energy Issues Order on Cross Sound Cable
This emergency also affects the reliability of electric service in Canada, which in turn affects, an...
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NRC: News Release - 2004-096 - NRC Confirms Nuclear Plants' Operational Preparedness with Respect to Electric Grid Reliability
NRC: News Release - 2004-096 - NRC Confirms Nuclear Plants' Operational Preparedness with Respect to...
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