NSF Staff Celebrates Foundation's 50th Anniversary A huge birthday cake and related festivities mark the 50th anniversary of President Truman's signing of legislation creating the National Science Foundation.
May 10, 2000
- "A Better Understanding of Our Environment", NSF50/Discover Advertorial,
June 2000
- "Nanotechnology: Large Benefits from a Small World", NSF50/Discover Advertorial,
July 2000
- "Astronomy: Fifty Years of Astronomical Excellence", NSF50/Discover Advertorial,
September 2000
- "Information Technology: Ushering in the Information Age", NSF50/Discover Advertorial,
November 2000
- "Education: Science Education for a Diverse Population", NSF50/Discover Advertorial,
December 2000
- "Biocomplexity: Life & Earth's Environment: NSF Forges a New Approach", NSF50/Discover Advertorial, March 2001
- A Half Century of Science; Illumination Salutes the National Science Foundation's Golden Anniversary"
Illumination: Research, Scholarship and Creative Achievement at the University of Missouri-Columbia; Spring 2000, Volume 4, Number 1.
- NSF: The Field Museum's Silent Partner
Reprinted with permission from In the Field, the membership magazine of the Field Museum
Staff Kick Off National Science Foundation's 50th Anniversary Celebration (NSF50)
Top Scientists, Engineers Meet to Plan NSF's 50th Anniversary Public Invited to Attend
Bill Nye of PBS' "Bill Nye the Science Guy" tells of NSF's role in helping create the television show that Nye credits with helping make Nye's career. Nye made his comments before a meeting of the National Science Board on May 6, 1999 at NSF's offices in Arlington, VA.