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Significant Risk of Terrorist Attacks
 Wednesday October 20, 2004  
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 • Guide for Protecting Building Environments from Airborne Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Attacks
 • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
 • National Advisory Committee on Children and Terrorism (NACCT)
NACCT is responsible for preparing the healthcare system to meet the needs of children during an emergency.

 • CDC: Biological Agents - Emergency Preparedness and Response
Biological Agents Listed by Category.
 • CDC: Chemical Agents - Emergency Preparedness and Response
Chemical Agents by Category.
 • CDC: Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response Information
Information for the Public, Clinicians, Responders, and the CDC's role in a radiation emergency.
 • CDC: Laboratory Information - Emergency Preparedness and Response
Information on Testing and Presumptive Agent Identification, Biosafety, Shipping Specimens, Training and more ...
 • CDC: Surveillance
Case Definitions, Illness Recognition & Detection, Surveillance Planning, and Surveillance Systems.
 • CDC: Emergency Preparedness and Response Training
Introductory Materials, Public Health/Clinical Training, Laboratory Training, and Videos & Satellite Broadcasts.
 • CDC: Emergency Preparedness and Response FAQs
Anthrax, Plague, Smallpox, and more ...

 • IS-5 Hazardous Materials: A Citizen's Orientation (Independent Study)
 • American Red Cross; Disasters: chemical emergencies
 • Chemical Hazard Information Reading Room
 • The Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
 • CDC: Radiological Weapons
 • Department of Energy - Federal Radiological Monitoring & Assessment Center (FRMAC)
 • Radiological Assistance Program
 • HHS: Disasters and Emergencies
 • Chemical & Biological Defense Programs
 • Likelihood of Terrorists Acquiring and Using Chemical or Biological Weapons
 • Biological/Chemical Agent Threat Received: What to Do
 • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
 • MSDS Search
 • RSPA - Office of Emergency Transportation Management
 • U.S. National Response Team
 • Household Products:Database links over 4,000 consumer brands to health effects from Material Safety Data Sheets.
 • OSHA's Emergency Preparedness and Response Page
 • FMCSA Hazardous Materials Safety
 • Department of Transportation: Hazardous Materials Safety Training Information
 • Department of Transportation: Hazardous Materials Incident Reporting

Click here to access the National Response Center 800-424-8802 site in a separate browser window.

Unit Objectives Explain building security design issues to a building o...
Explain the identification process to arrive at the high risk asset Ð threat/hazard pairs.
Rank: 71.59  
Participant Introductions Name Affiliation Area of Concentration Course Goal To e...
Manmade hazards risk assessments use a "Design Basis Threat." Become conversant with contents and o...
Rank: 70.72  
Unit I: Introduction and Course Overview U n i t...
Unit VI will cover explosive blast and Unit VII will cover chemical, biological, and radiological o...
Rank: 70.51  
ARC | ANDROS Does the Dirty Work
To SWAT teams, bomb squads, and hazardous materials handlers, it's beautiful. ANDROS can clean up ch...
Rank: 68.65  
The National Guard - Disaster Doctor
George Alexander takes weapons of mass destruction very seriously. He makes no bones about the poten...
Rank: 68.47  

Click here to access the Hazmat Web Page Channel site in a separate browser window.