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Picture of Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Administrator
Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Administrator:
Biography of Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher

NOAA News Releases
 NOAA Issues Service Assessment Report on Hurricane Isabel
 NOAA Recognizes Williamsburg County, S.C., StormReady
 NOAA Recognizes Wickenburg, Ariz., as StormReady
 NOAA Offers New Experimental Ionospheric Products
More headlines »

 • NOAA Answers Your Questions
 • Beach Temperatures
 • Mean Heat Index
 • Coral Reefs
 • NOAA's Climate Data At-A-Glance
 • NOAA's Ocean Explorer
 • Live North Pole Web Cam
 • Information on the Earth's Ozone Layer
 • NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
 • NOAA Broadcast
 • NOAA Photo Library
 • 3-D Weather Images
 • Search and Rescue Satellite-aided Tracking / Emergency Beacon Registration

 • NOAA Historical Hurricane Tracks (1851 to 2002)
The Historical Hurricane Tracks tool is an interactive mapping application that allows you to easily search and display more than 150 years of Atlantic Basin tropical cyclone data.
 • Tropical Cyclone Report 1958-2001
The Tropical Cyclone Report summarizes the life history and effects of an Atlantic or eastern Pacific tropical cyclone.
 • Landfall Hurricane Archive
 • Historical Storms - Satellite Images
 • Billion Dollar Storms
Billion Dollar U.S. Weather Disasters, 1980-2003

National Weather Service Headlines
- Comment on Strategic Plan for NOAA's National Weather Service
- Check Out The World's Largest Archive of Weather Data
- Weather Resources For Educators Available Online!
- News Of The Day
- News Of The Day
More headlines »

Click here to access the NOAA Home Page site in a separate browser window.

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