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State and Local Government Employers
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Contact Information

Social Security Administration

Social Security Administration Contact Page
Informational site that contains SSA's toll-free number, address to mail inquiries, local office locator, list of contacts for services outside the U.S., link to Frequently Asked Questions, and a direct email link if you still have questions after viewing the FAQs.


globe with people embedded

State Social Security Administrators

State Social Security Administrator
Each State has a State Social Security Administrator who is the main resource for information about Social Security and Medicare coverage and reporting issues for State and local government employers and employees under the terms of the State's Section 218 Agreement.




Social Security Administration Employer Service Liaison Officers (ESLO)
The SSA Employer Service Liaison Officers (ESLO) in regional offices across the country can help you with Social Security and Medicare wage reporting issues. This link connects you to their web pages, provides an 800 number for general inquiries and a direct telephone number to your local ESLO.



SSA Regional Office State and Local Coverage Specialists

SSA Regional Office State and Local Coverage Specialists
Lists the SSA contact for your State who can help with questions regarding Social Security and Medicare coverage of State and local employees.




Internal Revenue Service Federal, State and Local Governments Specialists
FSLG specialists provide Federal agencies, quasi-government entities, State agencies and local governments assistance in complying with Federal employment tax laws and information return reporting.




National Conference of State Social Security Administrators (NCSSSA)
This group lends peer support, expertise and a forum for networking to the State Social Security Administrators. The NCSSSA also provides a critical link between the States, the SSA and the IRS.

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