To ask for more specific results, you could enter several words or phrases, separated by commas, that describe the subject more precisely, such as:
, OR
, and NOT
are treated as operators by default, and do not require brackets. If you want to use them as literal words, place them in double quotes. All other operators must be placed within
brackets. More About Operators
Here are some additional operators that you can specify as part of queries.
Query Examples
Using these examples, you can write queries that will return exactly the information you want. Finding Words
Most queries can be written by entering the words and phrases you're interested in, separated by commas. If you were looking for information about the Web or about using laptop computers, you could enter:
operator to be more
specific. You could enter:
in lower case and it will
still be treated as an operator.)
is treated as an operator unless it is surrounded by quotation marks. So if you want to use the word "and" as part of a phrase, place it inside quotation marks. For example, to search for the phrase "addresses and URLs", you would