Title 45--Public Welfare



TEXT PDF801.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF801.102 Timely filing required.
TEXT PDF801.103 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF801.104 Words denoting number and gender.
TEXT PDF801.201 Scope.
TEXT PDF801.202 Times and places for filing and forms of application.
TEXT PDF801.203 Procedures for filing application.
TEXT PDF801.204 Qualifications requirements.
TEXT PDF801.205 Action on the application.
TEXT PDF801.206 Review of notice of ineligibility for listing.
TEXT PDF801.207 Certification and publication of eligibility lists.
TEXT PDF801.301 Scope.
TEXT PDF801.302 Basis of challenge.
TEXT PDF801.303 Time and place of challenge.
TEXT PDF801.304 Form of challenge.
TEXT PDF801.305 Rejection and docketing of challenge.
TEXT PDF801.306 Summary denial of challenge by hearing officer.
TEXT PDF801.307 Notice of hearing.
TEXT PDF801.308 Rights and duties of parties.
TEXT PDF801.309 Continuance.
TEXT PDF801.310 Hearing.
TEXT PDF801.311 Powers of hearing officer.
TEXT PDF801.312 Witnesses.
TEXT PDF801.313 Subpena.
TEXT PDF801.314 Evidence.
TEXT PDF801.315 Decision.
TEXT PDF801.316 Action after challenge is sustained.
TEXT PDF801.317 Appeal.
TEXT PDF801.401 Scope.
TEXT PDF801.402 Bases for removals.
TEXT PDF801.403 Procedure for removals determined by examiners.
TEXT PDF801.404 Notification of removals.
TEXT PDF801.501 Scope.
TEXT PDF801.502 Making a complaint.
TEXT PDF801.503 Processing a complaint.

