USPTO Fee Information > FY 2005 Fee Schedule


Effective October 1, 2004

The Unites States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has amended the rules of practice in patent cases to adjust certain patent fee amounts to reflect fluctuations in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Any fee amount paid on or after October 1, 2004, is subject to the new fee schedule.

This notice does not affect trademark fees.

The fees subject to reduction for small entities that have established status (37 CFR 1.27) are shown in a separate column. For additional information, please contact the USPTO Contact Center at (703) 308-4357 or (800) 786-9199. Payments from foreign countries must be payable and immediately negotiable in the United States for the full amount of the fee required.


Application Filing Fees
Post-Allowance Fees
Maintenance Fees
Miscellaneous Fees
Application Extension Fees
Appeals/Interference Fees
Petition Fees
Service Fees
Enrollment Fees

Patent Cooperation Treaty

National Stage
International Stage
PCT Fees to WIPO or EPO


Finance Service Fees
Computer Service Fees


Processing Fees
Madrid Protocol Fees
International Application Fees
Service Fees
Fastener Quality Act Fees
USPTO Fee Schedule, effective October 1, 2004
Fee Code 37 CFR Description Fee Small Entity Fee
(if applicable)
Patent Application Filing Fees
1001/2001 1.16(a) Basic filing fee - Utility 790.00 395.00
1201/2201 1.16(b) Independent claims in excess of three 88.00 44.00
1202/2202 1.16(c) Claims in excess of twenty 18.00 9.00
1203/2203 1.16(d) Multiple dependent claim 300.00 150.00
1051/2051 1.16(e) Surcharge - Late filing fee or oath or declaration 130.00 65.00
1002/2002 1.16(f) Design filing fee 350.00 175.00
1007/2007 1.16(f) Design filing fee (CPA) 350.00 175.00
1003/2003 1.16(g) Plant filing fee 550.00 275.00
1004/2004 1.16(h) Reissue filing fee 790.00 395.00
1009/2009 1.16(h) Reissue filing fee (CPA) 790.00 395.00
1204/2204 1.16(i) Reissue independent claims over original patent 88.00 44.00
1205/2205 1.16(j) Reissue claims in excess of 20 and over original patent 18.00 9.00
1005/2005 1.16(k) Provisional application filing fee 160.00 80.00
1052/2052 1.16(l) Surcharge - Late provisional filing fee or cover sheet 50.00 25.00
1053 1.17(i) Non-English specification 130.00  
Top of pagePatent Post-Allowance Fees
1501/2501 1.18(a) Utility issue fee 1,370.00 685.00
1502/2502 1.18(b) Design issue fee 490.00 245.00
1503/2503 1.18(c) Plant issue fee 660.00 330.00
1504 1.18(d) Publication fee for early, voluntary, or normal publication 300.00  
1505 1.18(d) Publication fee for republication 300.00  
Top of pagePatent Maintenance Fees
1551/2551 1.20(e) Due at 3.5 years 940.00 470.00
1552/2552 1.20(f) Due at 7.5 years 2,150.00 1,075.00
1553/2553 1.20(g) Due at 11.5 years 3,320.00 1,660.00
1554/2554 1.20(h) Surcharge - 3.5 year - Late payment within 6 months 130.00 65.00
1555/2555 1.20(h) Surcharge - 7.5 year - Late payment within 6 months 130.00 65.00
1556/2556 1.20(h) Surcharge - 11.5 year - Late payment within 6 months 130.00 65.00
1557 1.20(i)(1) Surcharge after expiration - Late payment is unavoidable 700.00  
1558 1.20(i)(2) Surcharge after expiration - Late payment is unintentional 1,640.00  
Top of pageMiscellaneous Patent Fees
1801/2801 1.17(e) Request for continued examination (RCE) (see 37 CFR 1.114) 790.00 395.00
1808 1.17(i) Processing fee, except in provisional applications 130.00  
1803 1.17(i) Request for voluntary publication or republication 130.00  
1802 1.17(k) Request for expedited examination of a design application 900.00  
1804 1.17(n) Request for publication of SIR - Prior to examiner’s action 920.00*  
1805 1.17(o) Request for publication of SIR - After examiner’s action 1,840.00*  
1806 1.17(p) Submission of an Information Disclosure Statement 180.00  
1807 1.17(q) Processing fee for provisional applications 50.00  
1809/2809 1.17(r) Filing a submission after final rejection (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) 790.00 395.00
1810/2810 1.17(s) For each additional invention to be examined (see 37 CFR 1.129(b)) 790.00 395.00
1811 1.20(a) Certificate of correction 100.00  
1812 1.20(c)(1) Request for ex parte reexamination 2,520.00  
1813 1.20(c)(2) Request for inter partes reexamination 8,800.00  
1814/2814 1.20(d) Statutory disclaimer 110.00 55.00

*Reduced by basic filing fee paid.

Top of pagePatent Application Extension Fees
1251/2251 1.17(a)(1) Extension for response within first month 110.00 55.00
1252/2252 1.17(a)(2) Extension for response within second month 430.00 215.00
1253/2253 1.17(a)(3) Extension for response within third month 980.00 490.00
1254/2254 1.17(a)(4) Extension for response within fourth month 1,530.00 765.00
1255/2255 1.17(a)(5) Extension for response within fifth month 2,080.00 1,040.00
Top of pagePatent Appeals/Interference Fees
1401/2401 41.20(b)(1) Notice of appeal 340.00 170.00
1402/2402 41.20(b)(2) Filing a brief in support of an appeal 340.00 170.00
1403/2403 41.20(b)(3) Request for oral hearing 300.00 150.00
Top of pagePatent Petition Fees
1460 1.17(h) Petitions to the Director 130.00  
1451 1.17(j) Petition to institute a public use proceeding 1,510.00  
1452/2452 1.17(l) Petition to revive unavoidably abandoned application 110.00 55.00
1453/2453 1.17(m) Petition to revive unintentionally abandoned application 1,370.00 685.00
1454 1.17(t) Acceptance of an unintentionally delayed claim for priority 1,370.00  
1455 1.18(e) Filing an application for patent term adjustment 200.00  
1456 1.18(f) Request for reinstatement of term reduced 400.00  
1457 1.20(j)(1) Extension of term of patent 1,120.00  
1458 1.20(j)(2) Initial application for interim extension (see 37 CFR 1.790) 420.00  
1459 1.20(j)(3) Subsequent application for interim extension (see 37 CFR 1.790) 220.00  
Top of pagePCT Fees - National Stage
1609/2609 1.492(a)(1) IPEA - U.S. 750.00 375.00
1610/2610 1.492(a)(2) ISA - U.S. 790.00 395.00
1611/2611 1.492(a)(3) USPTO not ISA or IPEA 1,110.00 555.00
1612/2612 1.492(a)(4) Claims meet PCT Article 33(1)-(4) - IPEA - U.S. 100.00 50.00
1613/2613 1.492(a)(5) Filing with EPO or JPO search report 950.00 475.00
1614/2614 1.492(b) Claims - extra independent (over three) 88.00 44.00
1615/2615 1.492(c) Claims - extra total (over twenty) 18.00 9.00
1616/2616 1.492(d) Claims - multiple dependent 300.00 150.00
1617/2617 1.492(e) Oath or declaration after thirty months from priority date 130.00 65.00
1618 1.492(f) English translation after thirty months from priority date 130.00  
Top of pagePCT Fees - International Stage
1601 1.445(a)(1) Transmittal fee 300.00  
1602 1.445(a)(2) PCT search fee - no prior U.S. application filed under 35 USC 111(a) 1,000.00  
1603 1.445(a)(2) PCT search fee - prior U.S. application filed under 35 USC 111(a) with basic filing fee under 37CFR 1.16(a) paid, identified at time of filing international application. 300.00  
1604 1.445(a)(3) Supplemental search fee per additional invention 1,000.00  
1605 1.482(a)(1) Preliminary examination fee - U.S. was the ISA 600.00  
1606 1.482(a)(1) Preliminary examination fee - U.S. was not the ISA 750.00  
1607 1.482(a)(2) Supplemental examination fee per additional invention 600.00  
1619   Late payment fee variable  
1620   Confirmed precautionary designation - confirmation portion 52.00**  
1621   Transmitting application to Intl. Bureau to act as receiving office 300.00  
1624   Confirmed precautionary designation - designation portion 104.00**  

**Fee only applies to international applications filed prior to January 1, 2004.

Top of pagePCT Fees to WIPO or EPO ***
1701   International filing fee (first thirty pages) - PCT Easy 1,053.00  
1702   International filing fee (first thirty pages) 1,134.00  
1703   Supplemental international filing fee (for each page over thirty) 12.00  
1704   International search (EPO) 1,920.00  
1705   Handling fee 162.00  
1708   International CD applications 4,800.00  

*** WIPO and EPO fees subject to periodic change due to fluctuations in exchange rate. Refer to the Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office for current amounts.

Top of pagePatent Service Fees
8001 1.19(a)(1) Printed copy of patent w/o color, delivery by USPS, USPTO Box, or electronic means 3.00  
8003 1.19(a)(2) Printed copy of plant patent in color 15.00  
8004 1.19(a)(3) Color copy of patent (other than plant patent) or SIR containing a color drawing 25.00  
8005 1.19(a)(1) Patent Application Publication (PAP) 3.00  
8007 1.19(b)(1) Certified copy of patent application as filed 20.00  
8008 1.19(b)(2)(i) Copy of patent-related file wrapper and paper contents of 400 or fewer pages 200.00  
8009 1.19(b)(2)(ii) Additional fee for each additional 100 pages or portion thereof 40.00  
8010 1.19(b)(2)(iii) Additional fee for certification of patent-related file wrapper and paper contents 25.00  
8011 1.19(b)(3)(i) Copy of first compact disk in a single order of file wrapper and paper contents 55.00  
8012 1.19(b)(3)(ii) Each additional compact disk in the single order of § 1.19(b)(3)(i) 15.00  
8013 1.19(b)(4) Certified or uncertified copy of document, unless otherwise provided 25.00  
8014 1.19(b)(5) For assignment records, abstract of title and certification, per patent 25.00  
8904 1.19(c) Library service 50.00  
8015 1.19(d) List of U.S. patents and SIRs in subclass 3.00  
8016 1.19(e) Uncertified statement re status of maintenance fee payments 10.00  
8017 1.19(f) Copy of non-U.S. document 25.00  
8018 1.21(c) Disclosure document filing fee 10.00  
8019 1.21(d) Local delivery box rental, annually 50.00  
8020 1.21(e) International type search report 40.00  
8902 1.21(g) Self-service copy charge, per page 0.25  
8021 1.21(h) Recording each patent assignment, agreement or other paper, per property 40.00  
8022 1.21(i) Publication in Official Gazette 25.00  
8023 1.21(j) Labor charges for services, per hour or fraction thereof 40.00  
8024 1.21(k) Unspecified other services, excluding labor AT COST  
8025 1.21(l) Retaining abandoned application 130.00  
8026 1.21(n) Handling fee for incomplete or improper application 130.00  
8027 1.296 Handling fee for withdrawal of SIR 130.00  
Top of pagePatent Enrollment Fees
9001 1.21(a)(1)(i) Application fee (non-refundable) 40.00  
9003 1.21(a)(2) Registration to practice or grant of limited recognition under §11.9(b) or (c) 100.00  
9004 1.21(a)(3) Reinstatement to practice 40.00  
9005 1.21(a)(4) Certificate of good standing as an attorney or agent 10.00  
9006 1.21(a)(4) Certificate of good standing as an attorney or agent, suitable for framing 20.00  
9010 1.21(a)(1)(ii)(A) For test administration by commercial entity 200.00  
9011 1.21(a)(1)(ii)(B) For test administration by the USPTO 450.00  
9012 1.21(a)(5)(i) under §11.2(c) Review of decision by the Director of Enrollment and Discipline 130.00  
9013 1.21(a)(5)(ii) under §11.2(d) Review of decision of the Director of Enrollment and Discipline 130.00  
9014 1.21(a)(10) Application fee for person disciplined, convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanors under §11.7(h) 1,600.00  
Top of pageFinance Service Fees
9201 1.21(b)(1) or 2.6(b)(13)(i)
Establish deposit account 10.00  
9202 1.21(b)(2) or 2.6(b)(13)(ii) Service charge for below minimum balance 25.00  
9202 1.21(b)(3) Service charge for below minimum balance restricted subscription deposit account 25.00  
9101 1.21(m) or 2.6(b)(12)
Processing each payment refused or charged back 50.00  
Top of pageComputer Service Fees
8031/8531   Computer records AT COST  
Top of pageTrademark Processing Fees ****
6001/7001 2.6(a)(1) Application for registration, per class 335.00  
6002/7002 2.6(a)(2) Filing an Amendment to Allege Use under § 1(c), per class 100.00  
6003/7003 2.6(a)(3) Filing a Statement of Use under § 1(d)(1), per class 100.00  
6004/7004 2.6(a)(4) Filing a Request for a Six-month Extension of Time for Filing a Statement of Use under § 1(d)(1), per class 150.00  
6005 2.6(a)(15) Petition to the Director 100.00  
6006 2.6(a)(19) Dividing an application, per new application (file wrapper) created 100.00  
6201/7201 2.6(a)(5) Application for renewal, per class 400.00  
6203/7203 2.6(a)(6) Additional fee for filing renewal application during grace period, per class 100.00  
6204 2.6(a)(21) Correcting a deficiency in a renewal application 100.00  
6205/7205 2.6(a)(12) Filing § 8 affidavit, per class 100.00  
6206/7206 2.6(a)(14) Additional fee for filing § 8 affidavit during grace period, per class 100.00  
6207 2.6(a)(20) Correcting a deficiency in a § 8 affidavit 100.00  
6208/7208 2.6(a)(13) Filing § 15 affidavit, per class 200.00  
6210 2.6(a)(7) Publication of mark under § 12(c), per class 100.00  
6211 2.6(a)(8) Issuing new certificate of registration 100.00  
6212 2.6(a)(9) Certificate of correction, registrant’s error 100.00  
6213 2.6(a)(10) Filing disclaimer to registration 100.00  
6214 2.6(a)(11) Filing amendment to registration 100.00  
6401/7401 2.6(a)(16) Petition for cancellation, per class 300.00  
6402/7402 2.6(a)(17) Notice of opposition, per class 300.00  
6403/7403 2.6(a)(18) Ex parte appeal, per class 100.00  
Top of pageTrademark Madrid Protocol Fees ****
6901/7901 7.6(A)(1) Certifying an International application based on single application or registration, per class 100.00  
6902/7902 7.6(A)(2) Certifying an International application based on more than one basic application or registration, per class
6903/7903 7.6(A)(3) Transmitting a Request to Record an Assignment or restriction under 7.23 or 7.24
6904/7904 7.6(A)(4) Filing a Notice of Replacement, per class 100.00  
6905/7905 7.6(A)(5) Filing an affidavit under 71 of the Act, per class 100.00  
6906/7906 7.6(A)(6) Surcharge for filing affidavit under 71 of the Act during grace period, per class
6907/7907 7.6(A)(7) Transmitting a subsequent designation 100.00  
Top of pageTrademark International Application Fees****
7951 7.7(1) International application fee Reference CFR 7.7 for payment of fees to International Bureau (IB) and IB calculator at:  http://www.wipo.int/madrid/en.
7952 7.14(C) Correcting irregularities in an International application
7953 7.21 Subsequent designation fee
7954 7.23 Recording of an assignment of an international registration under 7.23    

**** The 7000 series fee codes identified under the Trademark Processing, Madrid Protocol, WIPO and International Application Fees sections above may be used via e-TEAS at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/e-TEAS/index.html. In addition, the 6000 series fee codes under the Trademark Madrid Protocol Fees are being offered temporarily for use as a paper-based filing alternative.

Top of pageTrademark Service Fees
8501 2.6(b)(1) Printed copy of registered mark, delivery by USPS, USPTO Box, or electronic means 3.00  
8503 2.6(b)(4)(i) Certified copy of registered mark, with title and/or status, regular service 15.00  
8504 2.6(b)(4)(ii) Certified copy of registered mark, with title and/or status, expedited local service 30.00  
8507 2.6(b)(2) Certified copy of trademark application as filed 15.00  
8508 2.6(b)(3) Certified or uncertified copy of trademark-related file wrapper and contents 50.00  
8513 2.6(b)(5) Certified or uncertified copy of trademark document, unless otherwise provided 25.00  
8514 2.6(b)(7) For assignment records, abstracts of title and certification per registration 25.00  
8902 2.6(b)(9) Self-service copy charge, per page 0.25  
8521 2.6(b)(6) Recording trademark assignment, agreement or other paper, first mark per document 40.00  
8522 2.6(b)(6) For second and subsequent marks in the same document 25.00  
8523 2.6(b)(10) Labor charges for services, per hour or fraction thereof 40.00  
8524 2.6(b)(11) Unspecified other services, excluding labor AT COST  
Top of pageFastener Quality Act Fees
6991 2.7(a) Recordal application fee 20.00  
6992 2.7(b) Renewal application fee 20.00  
6993 2.7(c) Late fee for renewal application 20.00  

Is there a question about what the USPTO can or cannot do that you cannot find an answer for? Send questions about USPTO programs and services to the USPTO Contact Center (UCC). You can suggest USPTO webpages or material you would like featured on this section by E-mail to the webmaster@uspto.gov. While we cannot promise to accommodate all requests, your suggestions will be considered and may lead to other improvements on the website.