About GSA
Southeast Sunbelt (4) Overview
Mr. Ed Fielder's photo

Welcome to our Regional Website

In the Southeast Sunbelt Region, our operating principles are driven by the words of President George W. Bush, “What matters in the end is completion, performance, results.  Not just making promises, but making good on promises.  In my Administration, that will be the standard from the farthest regional office of the government to the highest office in the land.”  Based upon the President’s compelling statement, our job is to run the race, finish the course, and achieve victory.  Our victory will be found in our GSA goal: “provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers.” 

GSA customers must be served with the highest possible quality service properly balanced with providing the best value to the taxpayer.   One cannot and will not be sacrificed for the other.  Our mission in GSA, to support customer agencies in the acquisition of supplies, space, services, and technology, must adhere to these principles.  Most of the time we are not highly visible to the customers or the public for the essential role we play in their success.  As Administrator Perry says:  “We are not very visible to the public because we don’t do anything directly interacting with the public but we actually see ourselves as part of the value chain that delivers services to the American public in a way that improves the quality of their lives.”

We encourage you to visit here often to learn more about who we are and what we do.  As public servants, it is our obligation to remain accessible, answerable and responsive to you.  This website is one way we are meeting President Bush’s challenge to bring citizens closer to their government.

Edwin E. Fielder, Jr.
Regional Administrator

Last Modified 9/23/2004