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Number of Social Security Primary Awards

Updated December 16, 2003
The graph below shows the number of people (in thousands) awarded Social Security benefits on the basis of their earnings. We call such awards primary awards. The two types of primary awards are awards to retired workers and wards to disabled workers.
see underlying data at http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/ProgData/awards.html
For both the retired worker awards (top of graph) and disabled worker awards (bottom), we show both the monthly number (thinner line) and the corresponding 12-month moving average (thicker line).

The 12-month moving average for retired workers shows a sharp upward turn beginning with May 2000. This turn is a result of the elimination of the retirement earnings test for those over the normal retirement age.

If a beneficiary is entitled to both a primary benefit (as a retired or disabled worker) and another benefit type (say as a spouse or widow(er)), the person is counted only once in our statistics as a primary beneficiary.
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