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November 5, 2004    DOL > WB > Frequently Asked Questions   

Women's Bureau (WB) -- Frequently Asked Questions Table of Contents


  1. What is the Women's Bureau?
  2. Where is the Women's Bureau located?


  1. Can the Women's Bureau help me find employment?

Child Care

  1. How can I find affordable child care?


  1. Does the Women's Bureau offer/award grants and contracts?

Small Business

  1. I am interested in starting my own business, and I understand that the Women's Bureau (WB) has grant money. How do I apply for a grant?
  2. What is the current number of women-owned businesses in the United States?


  1. What is a disability?
  2. What is disability discrimination?
  3. What is the American with Disabilities Act?
  4. Are there other laws that protect persons with disabilities?
  5. Is it legal for a potential employer to ask about my disability?
  6. What can I do if I feel I have experienced disability discrimination?


  1. I am a single mother with no work skills. Where can I go for help?

Domestic Violence

  1. My spouse is physically abusive toward me and I am afraid he will hurt the children. I know I need to leave, but I don't know where to go.
  2. Where can I get information about domestic violence?

Long-term Care

  1. I want to report patient abuse in a long-term care facility (nursing home, assisted living/boarding home or a adult family home. Who do I call?
  2. My mother is aging and needs help and I can't quit my job to take care of her. Are there services that can help us?


  1. I am having a baby and want to take some time off from work after the baby's birth. How much time am I entitled to take?
  2. Are employees entitled to any pre- or post-natal rest time?
  3. Who is responsible for paying the worker's salary and benefits, if any, during the pregnancy leave time?
  4. I just found out that I am pregnant. Can my employer fire me or reassign me?
  5. I was bypassed for a major promotion because I am pregnant. Is this legal?
  6. My employer told me that the firm can't hold my job for me until I come back from maternity leave and doesn't know if there will be a position for me after that. Can they do that?

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

  1. If an employee suffers an illness and the doctor writes a medical certification that the employee is sick, who pays for this sick leave?
  2. How can I file a complaint if I believe my Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) rights have been violated?


  1. What is the minimum wage?
  2. Are there any exceptions to the minimum wage?
  3. Is it legal for waiters and waitresses to be paid below the minimum?

Nontraditional Employment

  1. What is nontraditional employment?
  2. How do I become qualified for a nontraditional job?


  1. My wife's boss at a car dealership told her that they were not required to pay her overtime. Is this true?
  2. I recently accepted a job as a computer software engineer at a higher salary than my previous job. My employer says that I am not entitled to overtime compensation. Is this correct?

Women Prisoners

  1. I will be released from prison soon and must make contacts within my local community as part of my parole. Can you help me?

Employment Projections

  1. It seems like computers are the wave of the future, how can I find out more about getting a job in the computer field?


  1. What type of statistical information is available from the Women's Bureau?
  2. How many women are in the labor force?
  3. What is women's labor force participation rate?

View Departmental Frequently Asked Questions.

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