November 5, 2004 DOL > WB > E-News > Responsive Government > Printable Version |
Throughout the summer, President George W. Bush continued to put America's compassion in action by highlighting what the Administration is doing to make government more relevant and responsive to working women. On June 1st, President Bush discussed the progress and accomplishments of the Faith-Based and Community Initiative. This initiative benefits working women because it seeks to level the playing field so that all grassroots organizations have equal opportunity to participate in existing federally funded programs as they serve their communities. This helps not only the women who head such organizations, but it also helps those women who seek the services of faith-based and community organizations. At the Department of Labor, the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiative (CFBCI) has given out over $113 million to 130 faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, states and Workforce Investment Boards. As administrative and regulatory barriers are removed, these organizations can better help their neighbors enter, succeed, and thrive in the workforce. To cite just a few examples:
In the Women's Bureau, we continue to work with faith-based and community partners all across the country. Several of them have served as sponsors for our Financial Literacy Conferences. For example:
The Women's Bureau supports these efforts to enable faith-based and community organizations to better serve the women who need them. e-News Alert -- Use this mailbox to be notified of upcoming e-News letters. For More Information About WB, Contact: |