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Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing


Please note: If you are selected for a position requiring access to classified information, you will be given instructions from the security official at your employer and authorized to access e-QIP. You cannot pre-apply for a security clearance.


System Overview

Welcome to e-QIP, the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing system. e-QIP is part of an e-government initiative sponsored by the Office of Personnel Management. e-QIP allows applicants to electronically enter, update, and transmit their personal investigative data over a secure Internet connection to their employing agency for review and approval.

Web Browser Requirements

When deployed, e-QIP will be compatible with Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Mozilla.The following specific versions will be compatible:(please note any special settings that must be enabled)

If using Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE), you must have version 5.5 or later, with Service Pack 2.Internet Options for IE should be set as follows:

  • Enable JavaScript
  • Enable Cookies(e-QIP uses one session cookie only.)
  • Enable TLS 1.0
  • Enable Scripting

If using Mozilla, you must have version 1.0 or newer.Although security settings may already be defaulted to the proper values, you should verify by doing the following in this order:

  • Select "Edit"
  • Select "Preferences"
  • Select "Privacy and Security"
  • Select "SSL"
  • Under SSL Protocol Versions, enable "SSL Version 2," "SSL Version 3," and "TLS"

Mozilla users, must also verify that they are enabled to use cookies.To do so, go to your browser’s toolbar and verify in the following order:

  • Select "Edit"
  • Select "Preferences"
  • Select "Privacy and Security"
  • Select "Cookies"(e-QIP uses one session cookie only.)
  • Ensure that either "Enable cookies for the originating website only" or "Enable all cookies" is checked.(e-QIP uses one session cookie only.)

e-QIP is also compatible with Netscape Navigator, 6.1 and newer.

If using JAWS screen-reading software, please note that JAWS requires the use of Internet Explorer, version 5.5 or newer.

Both Applicant and Agency users must use these settings on their browsers to properly operate e-QIP.

e-QIP Main Menu Options for an Applicant

  • Enter Your Data
  • Display Your Data
  • Validate Your Data
  • List Expected Attachments
  • Certify/Submit Form
  • Edit Supplemental Data
Getting Started
  1. Turn on your computer and allow Windows to load.
  2. Install Internet Explorer (IE) 5.5 SP 2 or later.
  3. Start Internet Explorer and enter the following URL:
  4. A Security Alert box will appear, ending with “Do you want to proceed?” Click the “Yes” button with the mouse, or type <CTRL Y> to continue.
  5. The e-QIP Welcome Screen will appear. Enter your Social Security Number in the text entry box, and click the "Submit" button to logon to the e-QIP site.
  6. Be sure to enter three (3) Golden Questions and Golden Answers according to the instructions provided in the Help File on the Golden Question Screen.
  7. Complete the SF-86 questions and save as instructed.
  8. Remember to Validate your data prior to submission to OPM.
  9. Be sure to Certify/Submit your form when form is complete and all data has been successfully validated.
Choosing Your Golden Questions/Answers

It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to provide Golden Questions to uniquely identify you.
Golden Questions help the e-QIP system verify your identity. By creating a combination of Golden Questions that ONLY YOU can possibly know all of the correct answers to, you are assured that no one (including parents, spouses, and close friends) can impersonate you on the e-QIP system. Please carefully consider who else may possibly know the answer to each possible Golden Question you enter. We suggest creating questions concerning different time periods in your life. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT IT MAY BE 4 OR 5 YEARS BEFORE YOU RETURN TO THE e-QIP SYSTEM! Make sure you create questions you can still answer in the distant future.

Entering Your Golden Questions/Answers

After you have selected your set of Golden Questions/Answers, enter each Question under a "Question" header and enter the corresponding Answer under the "Answer" header directly under that question. You must provide a non-blank answer for each question you provide, and vice versa. You must provide three Golden Questions.

It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to protect the answers to your Golden Questions.

Golden Answers are your password to the e-QIP system. The text entry fields for Golden Answers are NOT password protected, to allow more accurate entry of your answers. Asterisks automatically mask Golden Answers, but if you choose, you can view your answers by clicking the “Allow me to see my Golden Answers” checkbox. Do not allow someone to see your computer screen while your answers are on the screen. If someone acquires your answers, they will be able to logon to the e-QIP system under your identity, allowing them to see and change your personal data.

Entering Your Data

NOTE: Click “Help” from any screen for specific guidance on functions for that screen.

First Time Data Entry: Before you begin entering data for the first time, read each instructions document listed on the Read Instructions screen. Indicate that you have read and understand each document by checking the corresponding checkbox. When finished, click the SUBMIT button to continue. You must read each document and indicate that you have done so before you may continue.

Question Navigation: From any question screen, you may click the View Questions Navigation List hyperlink to go to any desired question. In the Navigation List, an asterisk denotes all questions that do not have an answer entered. When you enter data for a question and click SUBMIT, the asterisk is no longer displayed.

Errors and Warnings: After clicking SUBMIT, if the system displays the same screen with "Validation Results" listed at the top, you must satisfy validation criteria (i.e., there was a problem with your submission that needs to be addressed).

For validation "Error" messages, you may correct your data by scrolling to the appropriate field and editing. After making corrections, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page to save your changes.

For validation "Warning" messages, you may either provide the requested information or click the EXPLAIN button next to the message to explain why the information cannot be supplied. Upon clicking the EXPLAIN button you may provide an explanation in the text field or check the box labeled "I do not know the requested information". After choosing an action, click the SUBMIT button to save your changes.

For validation "Error" and "Warning" messages, you may also choose to click the CONTINUE button. If you click the CONTINUE button, you may advance to the next question screen and correct the information at a later time prior to the final submission of your form.

To delete an entry, click on the DELETE button.

If you decide to not make any changes, click on the CANCEL button.

If you make a mistake and want to start over on a given screen, click on the RESET THIS SCREEN button at any time prior to clicking the SUBMIT button.

When you are finished and ready to proceed, click on the SUBMIT button.Upon clicking the SUBMIT button, your information will be saved.

Displaying Your Data

When you are ready to display and/or print SF-86 information that has been entered into e-QIP, select “Main Menu” from any question screen. Displaying and/or printing can only be accomplished from the Main Menu.

Select “Display Your Data” from the Main Menu.A new browser window will then appear which will display on the screen all the data that has been entered up to that point. If desired, one can print the displayed data by first selecting “File,” then “Print” from the new browser window.

Validating Your Data

When you are satisfied that all SF-86 answers are complete and accurate, return to the Main Menu to select “Validate Your Data.”

The validation results show errors that need to be corrected. Read the validation results and the associated errors. Close the window. To correct your answers, select “Enter Your Data” from the Main Menu then select the desired question from the View Questions Navigation List.

To return to this screen after editing your data, click on "Main Menu" and then click "Validate Your Data".

Listing Expected Attachments

If desired, you may attach additional explanatory information to your SF-86 form. You may attach resumes, photographs, maps, or any other type of information that you believe would assist the Reviewers and Approvers of the SF-86 form.

Select List Expected Attachments from the Main Menu, and the system will display the Edit Attachments List screen.

This screen allows you to create, delete and edit attachments that you will send with your request. It is the applicant's responsibility to write his or her social security number and request ID on each page that is attached. The request ID is displayed on the Main Menu.

Certifying Your Data

When you have completed all the questions on the SF-86 and are ready to submit, click the Certify/Submit Form hyperlink from the Main Menu and follow the instructions.

Ensure that you have completely entered your data, validated your data for errors, and reviewed your data for correctness. Follow the instructions on the Certify screen.

Certify that the answers you provided on the Questionnaire are correct and accurate. After certification, your answers to the Questionnaire will be locked and unavailable for editing. You must print an official copy of your data and release forms only after you complete certification.

Answer the questions on the Certify screen by clicking in the checkbox to the right of the question to continue the submission process. Understand that once you answer the questions with 'Yes' and click the SUBMIT button, you will no longer be able to change the data on your Questionnaire. As part of certification, e-QIP must revalidate your entire Questionnaire. This process takes a moment, so please click the SUBMIT button only once.

After certification, the system will return to the Main Menu, where you must select “Release Request to Agency.” On that screen, you must click the RELEASE TO AGENCY button. A popup window will ask you “Are you absolutely sure you want to release your request to the Agency?” Finally, you must click the OK button to complete your submission.

After you have successfully certified your form, you cannot change your data. If you wish to abort this screen, click the CANCEL button.

If you wish to exit the e-QIP system WITHOUT saving your data, click on the Exit e-QIP button. Upon clicking this button, you will be prompted to confirm your intentions. Click on the OK button in the pop-up box if you wish to exit. Otherwise, click on CANCEL button.

Editing Supplemental Data

Select the Edit Supplemental Data hyperlink under Options on the Main Menu.

On the Supplemental Info screen, verify that the demographic information is correct. If your name, date of birth, or place of birth is incorrect, contact the agency that initiated your request. You may also optionally provide your e-mail address, which will only be used to contact you regarding the request.

You may also optionally provide your e-mail address, which will be only used to contact you regarding the request.

QUESTIONS? Contact the agency that gave you access to e-QIP or send an e-mail to:

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