CLEAN AIR ACT AMENDMENTS OF 1990 LEGISLATIVE CHRONOLOGY LEGISLATIVE CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS - CLEAN AIR ACT AMENDMENTS * June 12, 1989 - President Bush announces the Administration's clean air proposal which comprehensively addresses three areas of environmental concern: acid deposition, toxic air pollution, and urban air quality. * July 21, 1989 - the legislative language interpreting the President's proposal is submitted to Congress. * July 27, 1989 - the Administration's bill is introduced by House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman John Dingell (D- MI) as H.R.3030 with 146 cosponsors (eventually 166); the measure is subsequently referred to the Energy and Commerce Committee. * August 3, 1989 - the Administration's bill is introduced in the Senate by Senator John Chafee (R-RI) as S.1490 with 24 cosponsors (eventually 25); the measure is subsequently referred to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. * September 13, 1989 - Health and Environment Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee holds first of 11 mark-ups on H.R.3030 that continue through October 11, 1989. * October 11, 1989 - Health and Environment Subcommittee of House Energy and Commerce hold their final mark-up of the Administration's bill (H.R.3030); the measure, as amended, is sent to full Committee by a 21 - 0 vote. * October 26, 1989 - Environmental Protection Subcommittee of Senate Environmental and Public Works begins process of marking-up clean air legislation. * November 14, 1989 - Environmental Protection Subcommittee of Senate Environment and Public Works votes to include an Acid Rain title which is based on the Administration's original proposal; the Subcommittee had no further action on S.1630. * November 16, 1989 - Senate Environment and Public Works votes out a Clean Air bill (S.1630) by a 15 - 1 margin. * January 23, 1990 - Floor debate begins in the U.S. Senate. * February 1, 1990 - a group of bipartisan Senators begin meeting with Administration officials in a month-long, closed door negotiation session on amendments to S.1630, during which, Senate floor debate is put on hold. * March 5, 1990 - Senator George Mitchell announces agreement with the Administration on several key aspects of clean air; this measure is the product of the Administration and bipartisan Senate negotiations during February and served as the vehicle for Senate floor deliberation (it would eventually become S.1630). * March 14, 1990 - Energy and Power Subcommittee of House Energy and Commerce reports H.R.3030 out to full committee; the Subcommittee had jurisdiction over the alternative fuels and acid rain provisions in the bill, but the Chairman decided not to mark-up/amend their measure. * March 14, 1990 - House Committee on Energy and Commerce begins public mark-up of H.R. 3030. * April 3, 1990 - Senate votes out the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990; the measure was passed by a vote of 89 - 11. The following Senators voted against final passage of the bill: Byrd, Rockefeller, Simon, Dixon, McClure, Symms, Garn, Glenn, Helms, Nickles, and Wallop. * May 17, 1990 - House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports H.R.3030 out of committee by a vote of 42 - 1; the measure then moved to the entire House of Representatives. * May 17, 1990 - House Committee on Ways and Means receives sequential referral of H.R.3030 for a period ending no later than May 21, 1990. * May 23, 1990 - House of Representatives votes to pass a new Clean Air Act by a vote of 401 - 21. * June 6, 1990 - the Senate announces their conferees for the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990; they are as follows: Senators Quentin Burdick (D-ND), Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D- NY), George Mitchell (D-ME), Max Baucus (D-MT), John Chafee (R-RI), Alan Simpson (R-WY), David Durenberger (R-MN) as well as Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX) and Bob Packwood (R-OR) of the Finance Committee for the fee related provisions only, all other conferees are Senate Environment and Public Works Committee members. * June 28, 1990 - the House of Representatives announces their conferees for the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 -- the list includes 138 House Members overall with representation from seven committees, the six committees other than the Energy and Commerce will have jurisdiction over their individual areas. * July 13, 1990 - House and Senate Clean Air Conferees hold their first joint conference. During the first session, the conferees selected Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) as the Conference Chairman. * October 22, 1990 - House and Senate Clean Air Conferees reach final agreement on Clean Air reauthorization and thus conclude conference negotiations. * October 26, 1990 - The House of Representatives considers the conference report and passes the measure with a 401 - 25 roll call vote. * October 27, 1990 - The Senate considers the conference report and passes the measure with an 89 - 10 roll call vote. * November 13, 1990 - S.1630, "The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990," is submitted to the President. * November 15, 1990 - The President signs the Clean Air Act Amendments.