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Memoranda for NAAQS (Title I) - Policy & Guidance Memos

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Metadata file Emerging and Voluntary Measures: Incorporating Emerging and Voluntary Measures in a State Implementation Plans: Guidance 10-21-04 PDF file PDF file
Metadata file Emission Reductions from Electric-Sector Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Measures: State Implementation Plan Credits: Guidance Document 8-11-04 PDF file
Metadata file 1-Hour Ozone: Maintenance Plans: Basic Inspection and Maintenance Programs 5-12-04 PDF file
Metadata file Using Locomotive and Truck Idling Emission Reductions for New Source Review Offsets: Technical Guidance 1-14-04 PDF file PDF file
Metadata file Reducing Idling Emissions: Quantifying and Using Long Duration Switch Yard Locomotive Idling Emission Reductions in State Implementaion Plans and Transportation Conformity : Technical Guidance 1-14-04 PDF file
Metadata file Reducing Idling Emissions: Quantifying and Using Long Duration Truck Idling Emission Reductions in State Implementaion Plans and Transportation Conformity : Technical Guidance 1-14-04 PDF file
Metadata file Regional Haze: Estimating Natural Visibility Conditions Under the Regional Haze Rule: Guidance Document 11-7-03 PDF file
Metadata file Regional Haze: Tracking Progress Under the Regional Haze Rule: Guidance Document 11-7-03 PDF file
Metadata file National Air Quality Standards for Fine Particles: Guidance for Designating Areas 4-3-03 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file 2002 Base Year Emission Inventory State Implementation Planning: 8-hr Ozone, PM2.5, and Regional Haze Program, November 18, 2002: Guidance Memorandum 3-26-03 PDF file
Metadata file Ground Level Ozone: Compilation of States' Recommendations and Initial Regional Office Responses on Areas That Are Not Attaining the 8-Hour Ground-Level Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards: Guidance Memorandum 3-24-03 PDF file
Metadata file 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards: Extension for States and Tribes to Submit Air Quality Designation Recommendations :Memorandum 3-5-03 PDF file
Metadata file Ozone: Emission Inventories: 1992 Memorandum on SIP Emission Inventories (1990 Base Year) 1-29-03 PDF file
Metadata file Ozone: Marginal Ozone Nonattainment Areas: Procedures for Processing Bump Ups and Extension Requests 1-27-03 PDF file
Metadata file 8-Hour Ozone Designations: Schedule and Effect on Early Action Compacts: Guidance Document 11-21-02 PDF file
Metadata file July 2000 Guidance on 8-Hour Ozone Designations for Indian Tribes 11-6-02 PDF file
Metadata file March 2000 Boundary Guidance on Air Quality Designations for the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards 11-6-02 PDF file
Metadata file Memorandum to Chief, Air Quality Bureau, State of New Mexico 9-20-02 PDF file
Metadata file Memorandum to Director, Utah Division of Air Quality 9-20-02 PDF file
Metadata file State Implementation Plan Call: Reducing Nitrogen Oxides Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines: Memorandum 9-19-02 PDF file
Metadata file One-Hour Ozone Nonattainment: Mid-Course Review Guidance for the 1-hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas that Rely on Weight-of-evidence for Attainment Demonstrations: Guidance Memo 4-4-02 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Section 126 Rule: Deadlines for Electric Generating Units and Non-Electric Generating Units:Memorandum 1-18-02 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file State Implementation Plans (SIPs): Policy Regarding Excess Emissions During Malfunctions, Startup and Shutdown: Clarification Memo. 12-05-01 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Limited Maintenance Plan for PM10: Guidance Memorandum 8-21-01 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Limited Maintenance Plan for PM10: Critical Design Value Estimation and its Applications 8-21-01 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Ozone Flex Program: Memorandum and Guidelines 6-22-01 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Tier 2/Gasoline Sulfur Refinery Projects: Guidance Document/BACT and LAER for Emissions Nitrogen Oxides and Volatile Organic Compounds: Cover Memo 1-19-00 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Tier 2/Gasoline Sulfur Refinery Projects: Guidance Document/BACT and LAER for Emissions Nitrogen Oxides and Volatile Organic Compounds: Supplemental Report 1-19-00 PDF file
Metadata file Stationary Sources: Voluntary Measures Policy 1-19-00 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Economic Incentive Programs: Improving Air Quality With Economic Incentive Programs: Final Guidance 1-19-00 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Methodology for Measuring Oxides of Nitrogen 9-28-00 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Status of State Plans for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills 8-23-00 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Stationary Source Emission Reductions: Draft Voluntary Measures Policy: Draft Policy 6-12-00 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Stationary Source Emission Reductions: Draft Voluntary Measures Policy: Transmittal Letter 6-12-00 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Use of Collocated PM2.5 Data and Parameter Occurrence Codes 2-7-00 PDF file
Metadata file Additional Guidance on PM2.5 Cassette Handling and Transportation 2-7-00 PDF file
Metadata file 1-hour Ozone Attainment Demonstrations and Tier 2/Sulfur Rulemaking: November 1999 Guidance Memo 1-10-00 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Guidance on the Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) Requirement and Attainment Demonstration Submissions for Ozone Nonattainment Areas 12-2-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file State Implementation Plans (SIPs): Policy Regarding Excess Emissions During Malfunctions, Startup, and Shutdown 11-2-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Status of State Plans for Municipal Solid Waste landfills 9-30-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Economic Incentive Program Guidance: Draft Guidance 9-9-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Guideline for Reporting of Daily Air Quality 7-23-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Guideline for Developing an Ozone Forecasting Program 7-23-99 PDF file
Metadata file Emissions Inventory Guidance for Implementation of Ozone and Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and Regional Haze Regulations - Cover Memo 7-8-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Emissions Inventory Guidance for Implementation of Ozone and Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and Regional Haze Regulations 7-8-99 html file
Metadata file Designations for the 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard 6-25-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file EPA letter to Governors on interim final stay on section 126 petitions for reducing interstate ozone transport 6-14-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file MACT/Title V and Title I/Title V Interface Issues 5-26-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Guideline on Data Handling Conventions for the PM NAAQS - Cover Memo 5-11-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Guideline on Data Handling Conventions for the PM NAAQS 5-11-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file "Transport Policy" -- Notice of Proposed Interpretation and Request for Comments to Allow Areas Affected by Transport of Pollutants from Upwind Areas more time to meet the One-Hour Ground-Level Ozone Air Quality Standard 3-23-99 PDF file Word Perfect file
Status of Sanction Clocks 1-9-99 html file
Pending Redesignation Status By Pollutant 1-9-99 html file
Pending Redesignation Status By State 1-9-99 html file
Part 81 Area Status By Pollutant 1-9-99 html file
Part 81 Area Status by State 1-9-99 html file
Metadata file Guideline on Data Handling Conventions for the 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS 12-11-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Guideline for Reporting of Daily Air Quality - Pollutant Standards Index, draft document 12-9-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Proposed Implementation Guidance for the Revised Ozone and Particulate Matter (PM) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and the Regional Haze Program 11-17-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Proposed Implementation Guidance for the Revised Ozone and Particulate Matter (PM) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and the Regional Haze Program 8-18-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
-- Notice of Availability PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Second Extension of January 25,1995 Potential to Emit Transition Policy and Clarification of Interim Policy 7-21-98 Word Perfect file PDF file
Policy -- Extending the Date to Meet Ozone Standards for Areas Affected by Transport for Upwind Areas 7-17-98 html file PDF file Word Perfect file
--- Cover Memo html file PDF file Word Perfect file
--- Fact Sheet html file PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Re-Issue of Early Planning Guidance for the Revised Ozone and Particulate Matter (PM) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 6-17-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Memo announcing Interim Air Quality Policy on Wildland and Prescribed Fires 5-19-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Interim Air Quality Policy on Wildland and Prescribed Fires 5-19-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Guidance on Mitigation of Impact to Small Business while Implementing Air Quality Standards and Regulations 4-30-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file EPA Guideline Series, CTG, Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Coating Operations at Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Operations 3-24-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Guidance for Implementing the 1-Hour Ozone and Pre-Existing PM10 NAAQS 1-8-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Project XL Study Regarding Preconstruction PSD Monitoring Requirement 1-13-98 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Interim use of PM10 as a surrogate for PM2.5 in meeting NSR 10-24-97 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Guidance for Network Design and Optimum Site Exposure for PM2.5 and PM10 Draft Document 3-13-97 PDF file
Graphics for Section 3 of PMSITING.PDF Caution - Large file! 3-24-97 zip file
Metadata file Summary of Reqs, Sec 111(d) State Plans for Implementing MSW Landfill Emiss. Guidelines 12-5-96 zip file
Draft CTG - VOCs from Aerospace Coating Oper. 10-16-96 zip file
Metadata file Final Draft Monitoring Guidance for OTC NOx Budget Rule 10-8-96 html file
Metadata file Addendum to CTG for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations 10-7-96 PDF file Word Perfect file
NESCAUM Draft NOx Budget Model Rule Please note: this is not an EPA Rule! 9-4-96 zip file
Metadata file CTG Shipbuilding and Ship Repair 8-29-96 zip file
MSW LANDFILL NSPS AND EG; ISSUES & ANSWERS 8-15-96 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Natural Events Policy Memo (5/30/96) 6-6-96 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Final Wood Furniture Manf. & Oper. CTG 5-17-96 zip file
Draft guidance-perf. partnership agreements 4-17-96 zip file
Metadata file summary of NOx policy documents for 1990 CAA 3-28-96 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file credit memo attachment 3-11-96 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file update credit 15% ROP for Reduc from AIM Rule 3-6-96 PDF file Word Perfect file
Latest activities relating to the Open Market Trading Rule for ozone (2/26/96) 2-28-96 PDF file Word Perfect file
Draft Summary of OMTR Public Comments 2-16-96 zip file
Metadata file Letter clarifying VOC definition policy (1/26/95) 2-22-96 PDF file Word Perfect file
CO Attainment Determination Policy (10/30/95) 10-30-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Summary of State NOx RACT Rules 10-17-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Nox emission budget concept 9-22-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Clarify NOx Substitution 8-30-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Q's and A's NOx Emission Policy 8-30-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Draft CTG for Wood Furniture Operations 8-28-95 zip file
Innovative Control Technology 8-24-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Revised process NOx exemptions 8-24-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Ohio NOx Q's and A's 8-24-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
NOx RACT cost effective control technology 8-24-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file RACT for repowering utility boilers 8-24-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Fuel switching to meet RACT for Nox 8-24-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Effect of EPA granting NOx exemption 8-23-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
March 2,1995 Mary Nichols Policy 7-31-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
CAAAC Subcomm on Econ Incentives Meeting Summaries on OMTR 7-6-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Regulatory Sched for Consumer & Commercial Products under Sec 183(e) (6/22/95) 7-19-95 zip file
Reg.Sched.for Cons. and Commer. Prod. 183(e) 6-21-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Guidance for Removing Areas from N.E. OTR 5-30-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Guidance on Nonattainment Areas Currently meeting the Ozone NAAQS 5-15-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Ozone Nonattainment Planning Decentralization of Rule Effectiveness Policy. 5-9-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
15 percent and I/M memo of 5/5/95. 5-9-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
De Minimus Value for NOx RACT 5-23-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
15% rate of progress plan additional guid. 5-9-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Criteria for Attain. 3-13-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Ozone Attainment 3-6-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Contract/Temp Operat. and Title V(11/16/94) 2-13-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Letter on Reg. Air Pol. & TSP(6/14/93) 2-24-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file 105 Grant/Fee Transition Memo(7/21/94) 2-23-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
De Minimis Values for NOx 2-9-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Section 182 NOx Exemptions 2-8-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Revised Capture Efficiency Guidance 2-9-95 zip file
Bakery RACT Requirements 2-8-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Scope of Nitrogen Dioxide Exemptions 1-19-95 PDF file Word Perfect file
Credit for the 15% plans for AIM 11-21-94 PDF file Word Perfect file
Ozone Attain dates for Overwhelming 9-1-94 PDF file Word Perfect file
Final Nov 94 SIP Submittal Policy for Ozone 9-1-94 PDF file Word Perfect file
SIP Submittal Guidance (Act Deadlines) 9-1-94 PDF file Word Perfect file
ACT for Offset Lithographic Printing Furniture 7-12-94 zip file
Prelim Draft Model Rule for Wood 7-6-94 zip file
NOx RACT Findings Letters 6-27-94 PDF file Word Perfect file
ACT for Industrial Waste Water 5-19-94 zip file
ACT for Ind. Cleaning Solvents-Figures 5-18-94 zip file
ACT for Ind. Cleaning Solvents-Chapters 5-18-94 zip file
ACT for Shipbuilding & Repairs - Figures 5-17-94 zip file
ACT for Shipbuilding & Repairs - Chapters 5-17-94 zip file
Auto Refinishing Alt. Control Techniques 5-19-94 zip file
Metadata file Policy Memo on Fugitive Emissions 4-25-94 PDF file Word Perfect file
PM-10 Innovative Strategies Document 2-17-94 Exit EPA disclaimer
Appendix to GROWTH.ZIP - 15% Plan 2-22-94 zip file
Growth,Project.,Control Strat. - 15% Plan 2-22-94 zip file
Relationship between others & 15% Plan 2-22-94 zip file
Compliance and Enforcement - 15% Plan 2-22-94 zip file
Adjusted Base Year Inventory - 15% Plan 2-22-94 zip file
Corrected Ver. of Post-1996 SIP Guid. 2-22-94 zip file
File #5 DRAFT CTG - Batch Processing 2-7-94 zip file
File #4 DRAFT CTG - Batch Processing 2-7-94 zip file
File #3 DRAFT CTG - Batch Processing 2-7-94 zip file
File #2 DRAFT CTG - Batch Processing 2-7-94 zip file
File #1 DRAFT CTG - Batch Processing 2-7-94 zip file
Integrated Rule Effectiveness Guidance 1-24-94 zip file
NOx Substitution Guidance 1-5-94 zip file
Final NOx Exemption Guidance/Trans Memo 12-27-93 zip file
Applicability of NOx Requirements Sect. 182f 12-15-93 PDF file Word Perfect file
Industrial Wastewater CTG 12-1-93 zip file
NOx Substitution Guidance 12-15-93 PDF file Word Perfect file
Request for Redesignation 10-7-93 PDF file Word Perfect file
Part 4 - VOC Policy Memo System(5/13/93) 5-10-93 Exit EPA disclaimer
Part 3 - VOC Policy Memo System(5/13/93) 5-10-93 Exit EPA disclaimer
Part 2 - VOC Policy Memo System(5/13/93) 5-10-93 Exit EPA disclaimer
Part 1 - VOC Policy Memo System(5/13/93) 4-29-93 Exit EPA disclaimer
MERC - Scrappage Credit Guidance 3-1-93 zip file
MERC - Bus Credit Guidance 3-1-93 zip file
MERC - Fleet Credit Guidance 3-1-93 zip file
Mobile Source Emission Reduction Credits 2-8-93 zip file
Final Trip Reduction Guidance. 1-5-93 zip file
Final SIP Processing Memo 7-21-92 PDF file Word Perfect file
Metadata file Emiss. Invent. Req. for Ozone SIPs-WP6 5-14-91 PDF file Word Perfect file
Emiss. Invent. Req. for CO SIPs-WP6 7-17-91 PDF file Word Perfect file


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