PubMed Nucleotide Protein Genome Structure PMC Taxonomy OMIM Books

Creating a Web Link to the Entrez Databases
Last Updated: October 13, 2004

User System Requirements
You may generate a query on your Web page and submit it to PubMed and the other Entrez databases providing that proper attribution is given to the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) and PubMed.  It must be clear to users that the search is actually being conducted at NLM. When you link to PubMed, present PubMed in a separate browser window that partially overlays your page. 

Do not overload NCBI's systems. Users intending to send numerous queries and/or retrieve large numbers of records from Entrez should comply with the following:

URL Parameters

Base URL:

Note: Do not use the PubMed URL alias,, in constructing URL links to PubMed.

Unique Identifiers
Genome Genome ID
Nucleotide GI number
OMIM MIM number
PopSet GI number
Protein GI number
Structure MMDB ID
Taxonomy TAXID


db=Entrez database name



Include search terms with or without Boolean operators. Spaces within a URL should be "escaped" by converting them to '+' signs, e.g., Biochem Soc Trans should be entered as Biochem+Soc+Trans.

term=search terms

Search PubMed for citations about hay fever published in 2003:

Search PubMed for citations about arthritis and limit to the Complementary Medicine subset:

To turn off the filters use PubMedFilters=true:

Search PubMed for citations on (hay fever OR asthma) AND (diet therapy OR drug therapy) and display the first 50 citations in citation format:

Search PubMed for Provider Links for the text word p21:

See the PubMed Help to qualify search terms by search field tags.

Sequence Database:
Search the Protein database for AAC72193[accn] and display the results in GenPept format:

Search Nucleotides for COMT sequences and display the brief format:

See the Entrez Help to qualify search terms by search field tags.

Search OMIM for the FBN1 gene and display the Detailed format:

See the OMIM Help to qualify search terms by search field tags.

Remove Filters

To turn off previously set filters use &db=database&orig_db=database&databasefilters=true

Where database is the Entrez database name, e.g.,


Date Ranging
Not all dates are supported in all databases.  Date ranging can be fixed or relative.

Fixed Dates
Limit a search between two dates. Date parameters may be case sensitive, therefore use the exact value listed below.

Search PubMed for citations on hay fever from 1995/02/05 to 2003 enter:

Relative Dates
Limit a search for citations where the date is between a number of days ago and today's date.

Search for PubMed citations on hay fever published within the last 90 days

Retrieve results in HTML using the unique identifier. Accession numbers cannot be retrieved via cmd=retrieve, use cmd=search.


Retrieve PMIDs 10480954 and 12345 in the abstract format:

Link to and display the related results of the retrieved items using the unique identifier. Accession numbers are not unique identifiers and cannot be retrieved with cmd=Link.

dbFrom=database searched (URL parameter is case sensitive)
db=database to retrieve links

Retrieve Related Article links from PubMed PMID 10495220:

Retrieve Nucleotide links from PubMed PMID 10492167:

Retrieve PubMed links from Nucleotide GI 4759059:

Use Text to retrieve results in text format using the unique identifier.  Accession numbers are not unique identifiers and cannot be retrieved with cmd=Text.


Retrieve PubMed UIs 10480954, 10903209 in Text/Abstract format:

Retrieve Protein sequence records in flat file format for GIs 9367031, 729567, 586553


doptcmdl=format (use with cmd=search)
dopt=format  (use with cmd=retrieve and cmd=text)

Note: Scripts/programs that import XML should use E-Utilities.
Database  Report Format
PubMed DocSum, Brief, Abstract, Citation, MEDLINE, XML, ASN1, ExternalLink
Nucleotide DocSum, Brief, GenBank, ASN1, FASTA, ExternalLink, XML
OMIM DocSum, Detailed, Synopsis, Variants,  MiniMIM, ASN1, ExternalLink 
Protein DocSum, Brief, GenPept, ASN1, FASTA, ExternalLink, XML
Genome DocSum, Brief, ASN1, ExternalLink
Structure DocSum, Brief
PopSet DocSum, Brief, ASN1, FASTA, ExternalLink
Taxonomy DocSum, Brief, TxUidList, TxInfo, TxTree, ExternalLink

Online help is available for the PubMed, Entrez, and OMIM format descriptions.

Display Number
Change the default number of items (20) displayed.

dispmax=number of items

Tool is a string with no internal spaces that identifies the resource that is using Entrez links. This argument is used to help NCBI provide better service to third parties generating Entrez queries from programs. As with any query system, it is sometimes possible to ask the same question different ways, with different effects on performance. NCBI requests that developers sending batch requests include the 'Tool' argument.

tool=resource name

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