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Invisible poland: related links

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS). Reports produced by the Agricultural Counselor in Warsaw.

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE). Monthly estimates of world supply and use of key commodities.

National Agricultural Library. Links to agriculture departments in other nations.

Other U.S. government

U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). Analysis of principal trade barriers inhibiting U.S. exports to Poland.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Central and Eastern Europe Business Information Center. Background information on Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries for U.S. companies interested in trade and investment in the region.

CIA World Factbook. Basic country information, statistics, and maps.

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: East European Studies Program. Lectures, noontime discussion, and special conferences about the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Radio Free Europe—Radio Liberty. A news service based in Prague providing up-to-the-minute news on developments in Eastern Europe and the New Independent States.

International organizations

European Union (EU) Commission, Agriculture Directorate (DG-VI). News about the latest developments in EU agricultural policy; support for new member countries; basic statististics on production, prices, and budgetary support for agriculture; and in-depth analysis of EU commodity markets.

EU Delegation in the United States. Background information about EU Common Agricultural Policy, news on enlargement, and links to other sites.

World Trade Organization (WTO). Background information about the WTO Agreement on Agriculture, news of ongoing negotiations, and all official notifications by Poland to the WTO.

World Bank. Basic country information and data, and news and information on World Bank projects in Poland.


UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Agricultural production and trade statistics, food balances, and regular country and commodity situation reports.

Agricultural Market Access Database. An interagency database of tariff schedules, tariff bindings, country notifications, import quantities, and applied tariff rates.

U.S. Export/Import Statistics. FAS database of U.S. agricultural exports organized by destination and stage of processing.

Polish Central Statistical Office. Limited amount of data available free of charge in English and Polish and an online catalog of publications for sale.

Polish sites

Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Contains an English version of Poland's agricultural strategy and information about upcoming agricultural fairs and other events. Users will also find weekly bulletins (Polish only) listing market prices for major commodities.

Agricultural Market Agency. Contains data on planned and implemented intervention, monthly market forecasts of intervention commodities, and information on EU regulations. Most information is in Polish, but there is a brief English summary of the Agency's activities.

Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics. English summaries of Poland's Situation and Outlook Reports and a catalog of institute publications in Polish.

for more information, contact: Nancy Cochrane
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: August 17, 2004


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