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With a land area of 17 million square kilometers and 60 thousand kilometers of borders and coastline, Russia is the largest country in the world (see Map). For centuries, Russia has had strong political and economic influence in both Europe and Asia. And with 133 million hectares of arable land, a large agrarian workforce (14 percent of the total), and 147 million inhabitants to feed, Russia has also been a major regional and global agricultural player.

The ERS research program on Russia focuses on annual long range forecasts of Russian agricultural production and trade and on how post-USSR policy reform has affected the country's agricultural production, consumption, and trade, particularly imports of U.S. agricultural goods. Other research examines how reform has affected the efficiency and productivity of Russian farms, and the extent to which Russian agriculture is integrated into the world economy and conforms to the concept of comparative advantage. More overview…


Black Sea Grain Exports: Will They Be Moderate or Large? examines the prospects for grain exports (mostly wheat) by the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States that export through the Black Sea, the largest being Russia and Ukraine. If productivity growth in the region is high, annual grain exports by Black Sea countries could rise to 30-40 million metric tons.

recommended readings
Many factors determine the Structure of the Global Markets for Meat, including the relative availability of resources for raising and processing animals for meat. Countries' preferences for various cuts of meat provide opportunities for international trade.

Implications of Russia's New Poultry Import Quotas examines the impact of new quotas on livestock imports imposed by Russia in April 2003. One of the quotas is an absolute quota on poultry meat imports. Because Russia is one of the largest destinations for U.S. poultry products, the quota could significantly affect U.S. poultry exports and prices.

Agricultural Reform: Major Commodity Restructuring but Little Institutional Restructuring, part of a U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee report, examines how economic transition has substantially changed Russian agricultural production, consumption, and trade—with the main development being a drop in output. The entire report, Russia's Uncertain Economic Future, is a large Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file that may take time to download.

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recommended data products
Russia at a glance provides data on population, gross domestic product (GDP), employment, consumer price index (CPI), exchange rate, and trade.

Russia's agriculture at a glance presents data on land, agricultural production by commodity, farm structure, and agricultural trade.

Production, Supply, and Distribution (PS&D) contains official USDA data on production, supply, and distribution of agricultural commodities for the United States and major importing and exporting countries. The database provides projections for the coming year and historical data for more than 200 countries and major crop, livestock, fishery, and forest products.

Foreign Agricultural Trade of the United States (FATUS) provides U.S. agricultural exports and imports, volume and value, by country, by commodity, and by calendar year, fiscal year, and month, for varying periods, such as 1935 to the present or 1989 to the present. Updated monthly or annually.

WTO Agricultural Trade Policy Commitments Database contains data on implementation of trade policy commitments by WTO member countries. Data on domestic support, export subsidies, and tariffs are organized for comparison across countries. This queriable database offers various options for viewing and downloading data.

Agricultural Market Access Database (AMAD) is a publicly available information tool for analyzing WTO market access issues in agriculture. It contains data and information for WTO member countries, including tariff schedules, tariff bindings, applied tariff rates, country notifications to the WTO, import quantities, and other data useful in tariff analysis.

Agricultural Statistics for the Former Soviet Republics and the Baltic States covers land use and farm structure, population, labor force, agricultural inputs, grains, livestock, food consumption. Soviet data generally include 1960-90; data for republics cover 1980-95.

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related briefing rooms
Agricultural baseline projections
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European Union

related links
Websites of other USDA agencies, other government agencies, and international organizations with valuable information on Russia.

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for more information, contact: William Liefert
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: October 29, 2004


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Amber Waves, November 2004

Black Sea Grain Exports: Will They Be Moderate or Large?

Amber Waves, September 2004

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