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wto: recommended data products

The Agricultural Market Access Database (AMAD)* is a collection of data and information for WTO members. It primarily consists of tariff schedules, tariff bindings, country notifications, import quantities, applied tariff rates, and other data useful in tariff analysis. Based in MS Access™ and Excel™, AMAD is a publicly available information tool for the analysis of WTO market access issues in agriculture. The database currently contains data for 50 countries, including documentation and examples. AMAD results from a co-operative effort by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, EU Commission–Agriculture Directorate-General, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World Bank, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and USDA–Economic Research Service.

Data included

  • Base and bound Most Favored Nation tariffs, including in-quota and over-quota rates
  • Base and bound tariff quota volumes
  • Implementation period for tariff and tariff-rate quota (TRQ) commitments
  • Notified imports under TRQs
  • Indication of SSG application
  • Import volume and value by harmonized system line
  • TRQ country allocations
  • Applied MFN tariffs
  • Supply/Utilisation data
  • World reference prices
  • World import unit values
  • Exchange rates
  • Primary product equivalent factors
  • Current data for at least 1995-97

Data sources

  • Most comprehensive collection of public data on WTO market access
  • WTO tariff and TRQ schedules, with post UR modifications and rectification
  • WTO notifications of TRQ implementation
  • Various national trade data where available

*Note: Clicking on the Agricultural Market Access Database (AMAD) link above will exit you from the ERS website. You may return to the ERS website by clicking the back button on your internet browser.

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for more information, contact: Daniel Whitley
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: December 28, 2000


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