Ace, Goodman
Aldrich, Nelson W.
Allen, Florence Ellinwood
Allen, Fred
Allen family
American Association of University Women
American Chemical Society
American Council of Learned Societies
American Gold Star Mothers
American Historical Association
American Medical Center for Burma
American Psychological Association
American Scholar
American Society of Landscape Architects
American Sociological Association
Amos 'n' Andy (Radio program)
Anderson, Clinton Presba
Anderson, Frank Maloy
Andrews, Frank Maxwell
Arnold, Henry Harley
Associated Press
Association of Research Libraries
Atlantic Union Committee
Baker, Ray Stannard
Balchen, Bernt
Bancroft-Bliss family
Barbee, James D. and Davis R.
Barnes, James Martin
Baroody, William J.
Barrett, John
Bartlett family
Barton, Clara
Bassett, John Spencer
Beale family
Becker, Florence Deakins
Beecher, Henry Ward
Beers, Henry Putney
Benjamin, Harold Raymond Wayne
Benson, William Shepherd
Berry, Faith
Bingham, Theodore A.
Black, Ruby A.
Blair family
Blair & Rives
Block, Ralph
Boggs, Samuel Whittemore
Book of the Month Club
Boone, Joel Thompson
Borah, William Edgar
Bork, Robert H.
Bowen, Catherine Drinker
Brademas, John
Brandon, Henry
Brasol, Boris Leo
Brennan, Francis Edwin
Brode, Wallace R.
Brooke, Edward W.
Brundage, Percival Flack
Buck, Solon J.
Bunau-Varilla, Philippe
Butterfield, Kenyon L.
Canal Zone Library-Museum
Carson, Johnny
Carter, Clarence Edwin
Carter, Thomas Henry
Caton, John Dean
Cecil, Robert Edgar
Chamberlain, Eugene Tyler
Chase, Stuart
Chase family (Cornelius Chase)
Cheney, John Vance
Clapp family
Clark, Kenneth Bancroft
Cleland, T. M. (Thomas Maitland)
Cline, Howard Francis
Cline, Ray S.
Coan, Titus
Cockburn, George
Collins, Ross A.
Columbia Broadcasting System
Commoner, Barry
Connaly, Tom
Cook, Robert C.
Cooper, Hewitt & Company
Corey, Herbert
Croffut, W. A. (William Augustus)
Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard
Daniels, Josephus
Davenport, Marcia
Davis, James J.
Davisson, Clinton Joseph
Dawes, Henry L.
Dearstyne, Howard
Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell
Deming, W. Edwards (William Edwards)
Democratic Study Group
Denny, George Vernon
Dewey, George
Dike, Samuel Warren
Donaldson, Lavinia Pike McConnell
Doysie, Abel
Dumont, Henry
Eames, Charles and Ray
Eastham, Melville
Eckart, Carl
Elder, Abram P. T.
Eliot, George Fielding
Ericsson, John
Etzioni, Amitai
Evans, Luther Harris
Evans, Rudulph
Everts, Lillian
Ewing family (Charles Ewing)
Fairchild, Sherman M.
Fitzpatrick, John Clement
Ford, Worthington Chauncey
Foulke, William Dudley
Frederick Douglass Memorial and Historical Association
Friis, Harald Trap
Frontier Films
Fuller, Melville Weston
Garfield, Harry Augustus
Garfield, Lucretia Rudolph
Geleerd, Elisabeth R.
German Captured Documents
Gerson, N. C.
Gertz, Elmer
Gilchrist, Huntington
Gleason, Arthur Huntington
Goebel, Julius
Goldman, Eric Frederick
Goldsmith, Thomas T.
Golovin, Nicholas E.
Goodman, Leo
Granik, Theodore
Green, Theodore Francis
Greene, Lorenzo Johnston
Grey, Zane
Gridiron Club
Gruen, Victor
Gruenberg, Benjamin Charles and Sidonie
Guggenheim, Harry Frank
Haig, Alexander Meigs
Halsey, Edwin Alexander
Hamilton, Florence
Hammond, John Hays
Harlan, John Marshall
Harper's Magazine
Harris, Patricia (Roberts)
Harris, William Torrey
Harshaw, Ruth Hetzel
Hartmann, Heinz and Dora
Haworth, Leland John
Hayden, Edward Everett
Hensley, Stewart
Hill, Henry Aaron
Hillcrest Children's Center
Hollerith, Herman
Hornaday, William Temple
Horner, Frederick Cecil
Howard, Roy Wilson
Howard-von Recum family
Hubbard family
Hutchinson, Ralph Cooper
Hyman, Stanley Edgar
International Psycho-Analytical Association
Ireland. Parliament. House of Commons (debates)
Iturbide, Augustin de
Jenckes, Thomas Allen
Joelson, Charles Samuel
Johnston, Mercer Green
Kalmus, Herbert Thomas
Keene, Frances Bowler
King, Alexander
Kingsbury, John Adams
Kline, Burton
Klyce, Scudder
Kowalski, Frank
Kroll, Lucy
Lachman, Gisella Rabinerson
Lattimore, Owen
Lawton, Henry Ware
League of Women Voters (U.S.)
LeJeune, John Archer
Leland, Waldo Gifford
Letts d'Espil, Courtney
Leventhal, Harold
Lewin, Bertram David
Lewis, Anthony
Lewis, Nolan Don Carpenter
Library of Congress. Records
Liebengood, Howard S.
Literary Society of Washington
Little, Arthur D.
Loewenstein, Rudolph Maurice
Logan, Joshua
Louchheim, Katie
Luce, Henry Robinson
MacDowell, Marian
Machen, Lewis H.
Mahan, A. T. (Alfred Thayer)
Maldarelli, Oronzio
Malina, Frank J.
Marburg, Theodore
March, Peyton Conway
Marshall, Charles Clinton
Marshall, Peter
Martin, John Bartlow
McCormick, Lynde Dupuy
McGee, Anita Newcomb
McGee, W. J.
McGowan, Carl
Mearns, Edgar Alexander
Mercy-Argenteau family
Meyer, Cord
Michener, James A.
Middleton, George
Miller, Adolph Caspar
Miller, David Hunter
Mitchell, Samuel Chiles
Moore, Merrill
Moral Re-Armament
Morris, Arthur J.
Morris, Roland Sletor
Moss, Arnold
Moynihan, Daniel P. (Daniel Patrick)
Mueller, G. E. (George Edwin)
Mulford, Clarence Edward
Munroe, Kirk
Murdock, Victor
Murray, John M. (John Milne)
National Association for Universal Military Training
National Committee on Atomic Information
National Council of Jewish Women
National Council of Jewish Women, Washington, D.C., Office
National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education
National Society of Arts and Letters
National Woman's Party
Neufeld, Maurice F.
Newell, Frederick Haynes
Nichols, William Ichabod
Niederland, William G.
Oberholser, Harry Church
Osborn, Fairfield
Oxnam, G. Bromley (Garfield Branley)
Paine, Thomas O.
Patterson, Frederick D. (Frederick Douglass)
Patterson, Jefferson
Patterson, Richard Sharpe
Patterson-Winslow family
Payne, Ethel L.
Pickerill, Elmo N. (Elmo Neale)
Pinchot, Cornelia Bryce
Pinchot, Gifford
Pincus, Gregory
Podhoretz, Norman
Polish declarations of admiration and friendship for the United States
Poor, Alfred Easton
Prettyman, Elijah Barrett
Price, Vincent
Progressive Party National Committee
Purves, Edmund Randolph
Quay, Matthew Stanley
Quinn, David B.
Rash, Bryson B.
Rawleigh, William Thomas
Regan, Donald T.
Reichelderfer, Francis W. (Francis Wilton)
Ribicoff, Abraham
Richards, Grant
Rickey, Branch
Riis, Roger William
Rivers, L. Mendel (Lucius Mendel)
Roberts, Benjamin Titus
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox
Robertson, James Alexander
Robson, May
Roth, Philip
Rubey, William Walden
Rukeyser, Muriel
Rusher, William A.
Russell Sage Foundation
Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Alaska Diocese
Rustin, Bayard
Sayre, Francis Bowes
Schmitt, Bernadotte Everly
Schur, Max
Schwellenbach, Lewis B. (Lewis Baxter)
Seaborg, Glenn Theodore
Sevareid, Eric
Sewall, Joseph
Shackford, Roland Herbert
Shapiro, Henry
Sheldon, Mary French
Sifton, Paul Field and Claire Ginsburg
Simmons, James Fowler
Simpson, Matthew
Sioussat, St. George L.
Smith, Charles Perley
Smith, Hedrick L.
Smythe, Hugh H.
Sobeloff, Simon Ernest
Society of Woman Geographers
Solberg, Thorvald
South Carolina. Vice-Admiralty Court at Charles Town
Spencer, Lyman Potter
Sperry, Charles S. (Charles Stillman)
Steele, Fletcher
Stephens, Harold Montelle
Stephenson, John Aldrich (Hand, Fiske, and Aldrich families)
Stevenson, Burton Egbert
Stimson, Ralph H.
Streit, Clarence K.
Summerall, Charles Pelot
Sutherland, George
Sweetser, Arthur
Swidler, Joseph C. (Joseph Charles)
Taft, Charles P. (Charles Phelps)
Taft, Robert
Talmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt)
Tracy, Benjamin Franklin
Turpeau, Anne B. (Anne Brock)
United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace
United States. Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission Society
Von Braun, Werhner
Ward, Lester Frank
Wayman, Dorothy G. (Dorothy Godfrey)
Wertham, Frederic
Wexler, Harry
Wilder, Marshall Pinckney
Williams, Robert Ramapatnam
Wilson, Donald
Wilson, Robert E.
World Calendar Association
Wright, J. Skelly
Writers' War Board
Zwemer, Ramund L. (Raymund Lull)