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Earnings and Employment Data for Workers Covered Under Social Security and Medicare, by State and County, 1999

(released January 2003)

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For questions pertaining to the data, please send an e-mail to, or contact Greg Diez at 410-965-0153 or Bill Kearns at 410-965-6750. To obtain additional copies of this report, please call the Division of Information Resources at 202-358-6274 or e-mail

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Social Security

  • In 1999, 151.4 million workers had earnings taxable under the Social Security program. About 136.8 million had only wages, 8.7 million had only self-employment income, and 5.9 million had both.
  • Social Security taxable earnings totaled $3.7 trillion, which includes earnings up to the taxable maximum of $72,600.
  • Social Security taxes totaled about $464 billion.


  • In 1999, 154.7 million workers had earnings taxable under the Medicare program. About 139.4 million had only wages, 8.6 million had only self-employment income, and 6.7 million had both.
  • Medicare taxable earnings totaled $4.6 trillion.
  • Medicare taxes totaled about $134 billion.


This report presents 1999 earnings and employment data by state and county for persons covered under the Social Security and Medicare programs.

The data show, by sex, race, and age, the number of wage and salary workers and self-employed persons, the amount of their taxable earnings, and the amount they paid in Social Security and Medicare contributions. The information in this publication is a rich data source for researchers and policymakers who are interested in studying the primary revenue source for the Social Security (Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) and the Medicare (Hospital Insurance Part A) programs. When coupled with the Social Security Administration publication OASDI Beneficiaries by State and County, these data are valuable for studying the impact of the Social Security program and are used for this purpose in academia, private industry, and state governments.

Greg Diez, Fred Galeas, Bill Kearns, and Shirley Piazza in the Division of Earnings Statistics and Analysis are the team that designed, compiled, programmed, validated, and reviewed the data for this publication. Rich Mason and Dana Sheild in the Office of Systems wrote the computer programs to produce the source data from SSA's programmatic data files. Emil Loomis designed the cover, Celine Houget edited the report, and Laurie Brown prepared the electronic versions for the Web at

Susan Grad
Acting Associate Commissioner for Research, Evaluation, and Statistics
January 2003

Table of Contents

Data tables are available by state or region.

The PDF file for each state contains the following six tables:

  • Social Security
    • Table 1. Number of persons with Social Security (OASDI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by type of earnings, state or other area, sex, and race
    • Table 2. Number of persons with Social Security (OASDI) taxable earnings, by state or other area, sex, race, and age
    • Table 3. Number of persons in state or other area with Social Security (OASDI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by type of earnings, county, and sex
  • Medicare
    • Table 4. Number of persons with Medicare (HI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by type of earnings, state or other area, sex, and race
    • Table 5. Number of persons with Medicare (HI) taxable earnings, by state or other area, sex, race, and age
    • Table 6. Number of persons in state or other area with Medicare (HI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by type of earnings, county, and sex

The PDF file for each region contains Tables 1, 2, 4, and 5 (which cover all states) and Tables 3 and 6 for each state in the particular region.

The HTML file for each state contains Tables 3 and 6 for the given state. The HTML file for each region contains Tables 3 and 6 for each state in the particular region.

The following files are available for this document in the given formats:

Data Tables by State

Data Tables by Region

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