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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

NLM LocatorPlus -- Authority Records -- Searching for Authority Records

Question: How do I search for authority records in LocatorPlus?

Browse MARC Subject Authority1 to search for authority records for MeSH subject terms and MeSH subject terms with subheading combinations, established in the NLM authority file. (Note: using this search selection also retrieves personal or corporate names or series/uniform titles that may also be used as subjects in cataloging.)
Browse MARC Name Authority to search for authority records for personal, corporate, or conference/meeting names established in the NLM authority file
Browse MARC Title Authority to search for authority record for series titles and uniform title headings established in the NLM authority file
Browse MARC Name/Title Authority to search forms of names and associated title headings established in the NLM authority file

1. The LocatorPlus authority file contains the medical subject terms and terms/subheading combinations used and structured in MARC21 format for cataloging. For complete access to the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus, consult the MeSH Browser at

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Last updated: 06 May 2004
First published: 15 January 2003
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed