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information about DOE energy citations database: Public version  DOE energy citations database: Public version
information about FlashPoint  FlashPoint
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information about the U.S. Geological Survey  U.S. Geological Survey
information about USGS Geology  USGS Geology
information about Worldwide Earthquake Activity in the Last Seven Days  Worldwide Earthquake Activity in the Last Seven Days

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Electronic journals


information about Abstracts of the papers communicated to the Royal Society of London 0365-0855 Abstracts of the papers communicated to the Royal Society of London
information about Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London 0365-5695 Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London
information about Acta oecologica 1146-609X Acta oecologica
information about Advances in water resources 0309-1708 Advances in water resources
information about Aerobiologia 0393-5965 Aerobiologia
information about Agricultural and forest meteorology 0168-1923 Agricultural and forest meteorology
information about The American journal of science 0002-9599 The American journal of science
information about The American mineralogist 0003-004X The American mineralogist
information about Annales geophysicae 0992-7689 ; 1432-0576 (Electronic) Annales geophysicae
information about Annals of the Association of American Geographers 0004-5608 Annals of the Association of American Geographers
information about Annual review of earth and planetary sciences 0084-6597 Annual review of earth and planetary sciences
    v.1- (1973- )
    v.1-24 (1973-1996)
information about Annual review of ecology and systematics 0066-4162 Annual review of ecology and systematics
    v.1-33 (1970-2002)
information about Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 1543-592X ; 1545-2069 (Electronic) Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics
information about Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology 1040-2519 Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology
information about Applied clay science 0169-1317 Applied clay science
information about Applied geochemistry 0883-2927 Applied geochemistry
information about Applied geography 0143-6228 Applied geography
information about Applied mechanics reviews 0003-6900 Applied mechanics reviews
information about Applied ocean research 0141-1187 Applied ocean research
information about Applied radiation and isotopes 0969-8043 Applied radiation and isotopes
information about Aquatic botany 0304-3770 Aquatic botany
information about Aquatic geochemistry 1380-6165 Aquatic geochemistry
information about Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research 1523-0430 Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research
information about Arid lands newsletter 0277-9455 Arid lands newsletter
information about Astronomy & geophysics 1366-8781 ; 1468-4004 Astronomy & geophysics
information about Biogeochemistry 0168-2563 Biogeochemistry
information about Biology and fertility of soils 0178-2762 ; 1432-0789 (Electronic) Biology and fertility of soils
information about Boundary-layer meteorology 0006-8314 Boundary-layer meteorology
information about Bulletin of earthquake engineering 1570-761X Bulletin of earthquake engineering
information about Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment 1435-9529 ; 1435-9537 (electronic version) Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment
information about Bulletin of the American Geographical Society 0190-5929 Bulletin of the American Geographical Society
information about Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 0003-0007 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
information about Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network 1050-4818 Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network
information about Bulletin of volcanology 0258-8900 ; 1432-0819 (Electronic) Bulletin of volcanology
information about Canadian geotechnical journal 0008-3674 ; 1208-6010 (Electronic) Canadian geotechnical journal
information about Canadian journal of earth sciences 0008-4077 Canadian journal of earth sciences
information about Canadian metallurgical quarterly 0008-4433 Canadian metallurgical quarterly
    v. 34-38, no. 5 (Jan. 1995-Dec. 1999)
    v.39, no.1- (Jan. 2000- )
information about Canadian mining journal 0008-4492 Canadian mining journal
information about Catena 0341-8162 Catena
information about Chemical and petroleum engineering 0009-2355 Chemical and petroleum engineering
information about Chemical geology 0009-2541 Chemical geology
information about Chemical geology: isotope geoscience section 0167-6695 Chemical geology: isotope geoscience section
information about Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils 0009-3092 Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils
information about Chinese science abstracts. Part B 0254-4903 Chinese science abstracts. Part B
information about Clay minerals 0009-8558 Clay minerals
information about Clays and clay minerals 0009-8604 Clays and clay minerals
information about Climate dynamics 0930-7575 ; 1432-0894 (Electronic) Climate dynamics
information about Climatic change 0165-0009 Climatic change
information about Cold regions science and technology 0165-232X Cold regions science and technology
information about Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II, Fascicule a, Sciences de la terre et des planetes 1251-8050 Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II, Fascicule a, Sciences de la terre et des planetes
information about Comptes rendus geoscience 1631-0713 Comptes rendus geoscience
information about Comptes rendus palevol 1631-0683 Comptes rendus palevol
information about Computational geosciences 1420-0597 Computational geosciences
information about Computers & geosciences 0098-3004 Computers & geosciences
information about Contributions to mineralogy and petrology 0010-7999 ; 1432-0967 (Electronic) Contributions to mineralogy and petrology
information about Coral reefs 0722-4028 ; 1432-0975 (Electronic) Coral reefs
information about Cretaceous research 0195-6671 Cretaceous research
information about CyberGEO 1278-3366 CyberGEO
information about Deep-sea research. Part B, Oceanographic literature review 0198-0254 Deep-sea research. Part B, Oceanographic literature review
information about Deep-sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers 0967-0637 Deep-sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers
information about Deep-sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oceanography 0967-0645 Deep-sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oceanography
information about Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans 0377-0265 Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans
information about Earth and planetary science letters 0012-821X Earth and planetary science letters
information about Earth interactions 1087-3562 Earth interactions
information about Earth surface processes and landforms 0197-9337 ; 1096-9837 (Electronic) Earth surface processes and landforms
information about Earth, moon, and planets 0167-9295 Earth, moon, and planets
information about Earth-science reviews 0012-8252 Earth-science reviews
information about Ecological applications 1051-0761 Ecological applications
    v.7- (1997- )
information about Ecological engineering 0925-8574 Ecological engineering
information about Ecological modelling 0304-3800 Ecological modelling
information about Ecological monographs 0012-9615 Ecological monographs
information about Ecology 0012-9658 Ecology
    v.78- (1997- )
information about Ecosystems 1432-9840 ; 1435-0629 (Electronic) Ecosystems
information about Ecotoxicology 0963-9292 Ecotoxicology
information about Electronic geology Electronic geology
information about Electronic geosciences 1436-2511 Electronic geosciences
information about Energy sources 0090-8312 Energy sources
information about Engineering geology 0013-7952 Engineering geology
information about Environmental chemistry letters 1610-3653 ; 1610-3661 (Electronic) Environmental chemistry letters
information about Environmental engineering and policy 1433-6618 ; 1434-0852 (Electronic) Environmental engineering and policy
information about Environmental geochemistry and health 0269-4042 Environmental geochemistry and health
information about The Environmentalist 0251-1088 The Environmentalist
information about Eos 0096-3941 Eos
information about Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 0272-7714 Estuarine, coastal and shelf science
information about European journal of mineralogy 0935-1221 European journal of mineralogy
information about Exploration and mining geology 0964-1823 Exploration and mining geology
information about Facies 0172-9179 ; 1612-4820 (Electronic) Facies
information about Geo-marine letters 0276-0460 ; 1432-1157 (Electronic) Geo-marine letters
information about Geoarchaeology 0883-6353 ; 1520-6548 (Electronic) Geoarchaeology
information about Geobios 0016-6995 Geobios
information about Geochemical transactions 1467-4866 Geochemical transactions
    v.1, no.1- (Dec. 2000- )
    v.1-4 (2000-2003)
information about Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems 1525-2027 Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems
information about Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 0016-7037 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
information about Geoderma 0016-7061 Geoderma
information about Geodinamica acta 0985-3111 Geodinamica acta
information about Geoexploration 0016-7142 Geoexploration
information about Geoforum 0016-7185 Geoforum
information about Geological journal 0072-1050 ; 1099-1034 (Electronic) Geological journal
information about Geological Society of America bulletin 0016-7606 Geological Society of America bulletin
information about Geologie en mijnbouw 0016-7746 Geologie en mijnbouw
information about Geologische Rundschau 0016-7835 Geologische Rundschau
information about Geology 0091-7613 Geology
information about Geomechanics abstracts 1365-1617 Geomechanics abstracts
information about Geomorphology 0169-555X Geomorphology
information about Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics 0309-1929 Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics
information about Geophysical journal international 0956-540X Geophysical journal international
information about Geophysical prospecting 0016-8025 Geophysical prospecting
information about Geophysical research letters 0094-8276 Geophysical research letters
information about Geophysics 0016-8033 Geophysics
information about Geotechnical and geological engineering 0960-3182 Geotechnical and geological engineering
information about Geotextiles and geomembranes 0266-1144 Geotextiles and geomembranes
information about Geothermics 0375-6505 Geothermics
information about Geotimes 0016-8556 Geotimes
information about Global and planetary change 0921-8181 Global and planetary change
information about Global biogeochemical cycles 0886-6236 Global biogeochemical cycles
information about Global change & human health 1389-5702 Global change & human health
information about Green chemistry 1463-9262 ; 1463-9270 (Electronic) Green chemistry
information about Grundwasser 1432-1165 ; 1430-483X (Electronic) Grundwasser
information about GSA today 1052-5173 GSA today
information about Habitat international 0197-3975 Habitat international
information about Harvard science review 1062-7022 Harvard science review
information about High pressure research 0895-7959 High pressure research
information about Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences 0890-9997 Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences
information about Hydrogeology journal 1431-2174 ; 1435-0157 (Electronic) Hydrogeology journal
information about IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters 1545-598X IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters
information about Integrated assessment 1389-5176 Integrated assessment
information about International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics 0363-9061 ; 1096-9853 (Electronic) International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics
information about International journal for numerical methods in engineering 0029-5981 ; 1097-0207 (Electronic) International journal for numerical methods in engineering
information about International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 0303-2434 International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation
information about International journal of climatology 0899-8418 ; 1097-0088 (Electronic) International journal of climatology
information about International journal of coal geology 0166-5162 International journal of coal geology
information about International journal of earth sciences 1437-3254 ; 1437-3262 (Electronic) International journal of earth sciences
information about International journal of energy research 0363-907X ; 1099-114X (Electronic) International journal of energy research
information about International journal of imaging systems and technology 0899-9457 ; 1098-1098 (Electronic) International journal of imaging systems and technology
information about International journal of mineral processing 0301-7516 International journal of mineral processing
information about International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part A, Applied radiation and isotopes 0883-2889 International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part A, Applied radiation and isotopes
information about International journal of remote sensing 0143-1161 International journal of remote sensing
information about International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 1365-1609 International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences
information about International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts 0148-9062 International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts
information about Irrigation science 0342-7188 ; 1432-1319 (Electronic) Irrigation science
information about ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 0924-2716 ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing
information about JGR atmospheres 0148-0227 JGR atmospheres
information about JGR earth surface 0148-0227 JGR earth surface
information about JGR planets 0148-0227 JGR planets
information about JGR solid earth 0148-0227 JGR solid earth
information about Journal of African earth sciences 0899-5362 Journal of African earth sciences
information about The journal of animal ecology 0021-8790 The journal of animal ecology
information about Journal of applied geophysics 0926-9851 Journal of applied geophysics
information about Journal of applied meteorology 0894-8763 Journal of applied meteorology
information about Journal of Asian earth sciences 1367-9120 Journal of Asian earth sciences
information about Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology 0739-0572 ; 1520-0426 (Electronic) Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology
information about Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 1364-6826 Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics
information about Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 0021-9169 Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics
information about Journal of climate 0894-8755 Journal of climate
information about Journal of computer-assisted microscopy 1040-7286 Journal of computer-assisted microscopy
information about Journal of contaminant hydrology 0169-7722 Journal of contaminant hydrology
information about Journal of environmental monitoring 1464-0325 ; 1464-0333 (Electronic) Journal of environmental monitoring
information about Journal of geochemical exploration 0375-6742 Journal of geochemical exploration
information about Journal of geodesy 0949-7714 Journal of geodesy
information about Journal of geodynamics 0264-3707 Journal of geodynamics
information about Journal of geographical systems 1435-5930 ; 1435-5949 (Electronic) Journal of geographical systems
information about The Journal of geology, 0022-1376 The Journal of geology,
information about Journal of geophysical research 0148-0227 Journal of geophysical research
information about Journal of geophysics and engineering 1742-2132 ; 1742-2140 (Electronic) Journal of geophysics and engineering
information about Journal of geotechnical engineering 0733-9410 Journal of geotechnical engineering
information about Journal of historical geography 0305-7488 Journal of historical geography
information about Journal of hydrology 0022-1694 Journal of hydrology
information about Journal of marine research 0022-2402 Journal of marine research
information about Journal of oceanography 0916-8370 Journal of oceanography
information about Journal of paleolimnology 0921-2728 Journal of paleolimnology
    v.1- (1988- )
    v. 19, no. 1- (1998-)
information about Journal of petroleum science & engineering 0920-4105 Journal of petroleum science & engineering
information about Journal of petrology 0022-3530 Journal of petrology
information about Journal of physical oceanography 0022-3670 Journal of physical oceanography
information about Journal of quaternary science 0267-8179 ; 1099-1417 (Electronic) Journal of quaternary science
information about Journal of seismology 1383-4649 Journal of seismology
information about Journal of South American earth sciences 0895-9811 Journal of South American earth sciences
information about Journal of structural geology 0191-8141 Journal of structural geology
information about Journal of the atmospheric sciences 0022-4928 Journal of the atmospheric sciences
information about Journal of the Geological Society 0016-7649 Journal of the Geological Society
information about Journal of trace and microprobe techniques 0733-4680 Journal of trace and microprobe techniques
information about Journal of transport geography 0966-6923 Journal of transport geography
information about Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 0377-0273 Journal of volcanology and geothermal research
information about Land use policy 0264-8377 Land use policy
information about Landscape and urban planning 0169-2046 Landscape and urban planning
information about Landscape planning 0304-3924 Landscape planning
information about Landslides 1612-510X ; 1612-5118 (Electronic) Landslides
information about The leading edge 1070-485X The leading edge
information about Limnology 1439-8621 ; 1439-863x (Electronic) Limnology
information about Lithos 0024-4937 Lithos
information about Lunar & planetary information bulletin 0891-4664 Lunar & planetary information bulletin
information about Marine and petroleum geology 0264-8172 Marine and petroleum geology
information about Marine geology 0025-3227 Marine geology
information about Marine geophysical researches 0025-3235 Marine geophysical researches
information about Mathematical geology 0882-8121 Mathematical geology
information about Metallurgist 0026-0894 Metallurgist
information about Mine water and the environment 1025-9112 ; 1616-1068 (Electronic) Mine water and the environment
information about Mineralium deposita 0026-4598 ; 1432-1866 (Electronic) Mineralium deposita
information about Mineralogical magazine 0026-461X Mineralogical magazine
information about Mineralogy and petrology 0930-0708 ; 1438-1168 (Electronic) Mineralogy and petrology
information about Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change 1381-2386 Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change
information about Monthly weather review 0027-0644 ; 1520-0493 (Electronic) Monthly weather review
information about Natural resources forum 0165-0203 Natural resources forum
information about Natural sciences of hazards 0736-5306 Natural sciences of hazards
information about Nonlinear processes in geophysics 1023-5809 Nonlinear processes in geophysics
information about Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. C 0390-5551 Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. C
information about Ocean & coastal management 0964-5691 Ocean & coastal management
information about Ocean dynamics 1616-7341 ; 1616-7228 (Electronic) Ocean dynamics
information about Ocean engineering 0029-8018 Ocean engineering
information about Ocean management 0302-184X Ocean management
information about Ocean modelling 1463-5003 Ocean modelling
information about Oceanographic literature review 0967-0653 Oceanographic literature review
information about Oceanologica acta 0399-1784 Oceanologica acta
information about Oilfield review 0923-1730 Oilfield review
information about Ore geology reviews 0169-1368 Ore geology reviews
information about Organic geochemistry 0146-6380 Organic geochemistry
information about Our planet 1013-7394 Our planet
information about Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 0031-0182 Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
information about Palaios 0883-1351 Palaios
information about Paleoceanography 0883-8305 Paleoceanography
information about Permafrost and periglacial processes 1045-6740 ; 1099-1530 (Electronic) Permafrost and periglacial processes
information about Philosophical transactions (1665-1678) 0370-2316 Philosophical transactions (1665-1678)
information about Philosophical transactions (1683-1775) 0260-7085 Philosophical transactions (1683-1775)
information about Photogrammetria 0031-8663 Photogrammetria
information about Physics and chemistry of minerals 0342-1791 ; 1432-2021 (Electronic) Physics and chemistry of minerals
information about Physics and chemistry of the earth 0079-1946 Physics and chemistry of the earth
information about Physics and chemistry of the earth 1474-7065 Physics and chemistry of the earth
information about Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A, Solid earth and geodesy 1464-1895 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A, Solid earth and geodesy
information about Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part B, Hydrology, oceans and atmosphere 1464-1909 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part B, Hydrology, oceans and atmosphere
information about Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part C, Solar-terrestrial and planetary science 1464-1917 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part C, Solar-terrestrial and planetary science
information about Physics of the earth and planetary interiors 0031-9201 Physics of the earth and planetary interiors
information about Planetary and space science 0032-0633 Planetary and space science
information about Precambrian research 0301-9268 Precambrian research
information about Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Natural sciences 0924-8323 Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Natural sciences
information about Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 0370-1662 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
information about Progress in oceanography 0079-6611 Progress in oceanography
information about Quarterly journal of engineering geology and hydrogeology 1470-9236 Quarterly journal of engineering geology and hydrogeology
information about Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 0035-9009 Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
information about Quaternary international 1040-6182 Quaternary international
information about Quaternary perspectives 0965-1357 Quaternary perspectives
information about Quaternary research 0033-5894 Quaternary research
information about Quaternary science reviews 0277-3791 Quaternary science reviews
information about Radio science 0048-6604 Radio science
information about Radiocarbon 0033-8222 Radiocarbon
information about Remote sensing of environment 0034-4257 Remote sensing of environment
information about Renewable & sustainable energy reviews 1364-0321 Renewable & sustainable energy reviews
information about Renewable energy 0960-1481 Renewable energy
information about Resource and energy economics 0928-7655 Resource and energy economics
information about Resources policy 0301-4207 Resources policy
information about Review of palaeobotany and palynology 0034-6667 Review of palaeobotany and palynology
information about Reviews of geophysics 8755-1209 Reviews of geophysics
information about River research and applications 1535-1459 River research and applications
information about Rock mechanics and rock engineering 0723-2632 ; 1434-453X (Electronic) Rock mechanics and rock engineering
information about Science in China. Series B, Chemistry, life sciences & earth sciences 1001-652X Science in China. Series B, Chemistry, life sciences & earth sciences
information about Science of tsunami hazards 8755-6839 Science of tsunami hazards
information about The Scientific monthly 0096-3771 The Scientific monthly
information about Sedimentary geology 0037-0738 Sedimentary geology
information about Soil & groundwater cleanup 1086-1971 Soil & groundwater cleanup
information about Soil & tillage research 0167-1987 Soil & tillage research
information about Soil biology & biochemistry 0038-0717 Soil biology & biochemistry
information about Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 0267-7261 Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering
information about Soil Science Society of America journal 0361-5995 Soil Science Society of America journal
    v.63,no.4- (July 1999- )
    v.64, no.2-3 (March-May 2000)
information about Soil technology 0933-3630 Soil technology
information about Solvent extraction and ion exchange 0736-6299 Solvent extraction and ion exchange
information about Studia geophysica et geodaetica 0039-3169 Studia geophysica et geodaetica
information about Surveys in geophysics 0169-3298 Surveys in geophysics
information about Tectonics 0278-7407 Tectonics
information about Tectonophysics 0040-1951 Tectonophysics
information about Textures and microstructures 0730-3300 Textures and microstructures
information about Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics 0167-8442 Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics
information about Transactions - Institute of British Geographers 0020-2754 Transactions - Institute of British Geographers
information about Trends in ecology & evolution 0169-5347 Trends in ecology & evolution
information about Trends in plant science 1360-1385 Trends in plant science
information about Tunnelling and underground space technology 0886-7798 Tunnelling and underground space technology
information about USGS monthly list of publications USGS monthly list of publications
information about Vadose zone journal 1539-1663 Vadose zone journal
information about Vegetation history and archaeobotany 0939-6314 ; 1617-6278 (Electronic) Vegetation history and archaeobotany
information about Visual geosciences 1610-2924 Visual geosciences
information about Water quality professional 1092-051X Water quality professional
information about Water research 0043-1354 Water research
information about Water resources research 0043-1397 Water resources research
information about Water science and technology 0273-1223 Water science and technology
information about Water, air, and soil pollution 0049-6979 Water, air, and soil pollution
information about Weather and forecasting 0882-8156 ; 1520-0434 (Electronic) Weather and forecasting

283 titles.


information about ADS physics/geophysics abstract service  ADS physics/geophysics abstract service
information about AGRICOLA  AGRICOLA
information about CSA Engineering Research Database  CSA Engineering Research Database
information about Delphion intellectual property network  Delphion intellectual property network
information about DOE energy at LANL  DOE energy at LANL
information about DOE energy citations database : DOE and Contractors version  DOE energy citations database : DOE and Contractors version
information about DOE energy citations database: Public version  DOE energy citations database: Public version
information about Earthquake engineering abstracts  Earthquake engineering abstracts
information about Expanded academic ASAP  Expanded academic ASAP
information about FlashPoint  FlashPoint
information about GeoRef  GeoRef
information about ISI proceedings®  ISI proceedings®
information about ISI SciSearch®  ISI SciSearch®
information about JSTOR  JSTOR
information about NTIS database  NTIS database
information about ScienceServer at LANL  ScienceServer at LANL
information about SearchPlus  SearchPlus

17 databases.


Glossaries of Geologic Terms


AGI Directory

Association for Women Geoscientists

Digital Elevation Data Catalogue

Global Change Master Directory

Guides to web resources

Digital Library for Earth System Education

Earth Science Resources Links

WWW Virtual Library - Earth Sciences

WWW Virtual Library - Geophysics

USGS Geology

Job opportunities

Employment Resources in the Earth, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences


U.S. Water News


American Geological Institute

Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division (ASMD)

Australian Geological Survey

CIESIN (The Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network)

Department of Energy

Geological Society of America

Geological Survey of Canada

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

National Geophysical Data Center (NOAA/NGDC)

Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology

New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources

Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

U.S. Geological Survey

USGS EROS Data Center

USGS Global Change Research Program

Resources by topic



Color Landform Atlas

Maps of National Historic & Military Parks, Memorials, and Battlefields

Maps of National Parks and Monuments

Online Map Creation


Earthquake Engineering Abstracts - From UC Berkeley; searchable by author, title, subject and year

National Earthquake Information Center

United States National Seismograph Network

Worldwide Earthquake Activity in the Last Seven Days

The World-Wide Earthquake Locator - Using data from the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), provides basic information about earthquakes within hours of them taking place


National Geophysical Data Center - Covers marine geology and geophysics, paleoclimatology, solar-terrestrial physics, solid earth geophysics, and glaciology (snow and ice)

Global change

CNN: Our Changing Climate

Environmental News Network (ENN) Global Warming Special Report - Includes sections on the Kyoto conference and world positions on climate change

Geoindicators: Tools for assessing rapid environmental changes

Global Warming - From Environmental Defense

Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks

NOAA paleo global warming - Updates and links together critical information that impacts climate variability. Data, models, maps, reports, and publications

Sea Level Rise Reports

Washington Post Report: Climate Change

US Climate Action Report


American Water Works Association White Papers

Global Hydrology and Climate Center

National Water Conditions

USGS Water Resources Applications Software

Water Resources of the United States - Hydrologic data aimed at the scientists


Athena Mineralogy - A systematic list of minerals

Links for Mineralists

USGS Minerals Information

Natural hazards

NGDC Natural Hazards Data

Natural Hazards Data

Tsunami Database

Oil and gas

Offshore Technology: The Website for the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry


Brief glossary of ozone terms and concepts

Listing Ozone- Depleting Substances

Ozone Depletion Glossary

TOMS: Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer - At Goddard Space Flight Center

Remote sensing

Remote Sensing of Volcanoes


The Electronic Volcano

Volcanic Ash Clouds and Aircraft Safety

Volcano Watch - Satellite images show the world's 10 most active volcanoes

Volcano World

Worldwide Volcanic Reference Map

World-Wide Volcanism (list of links and interactive map of world-wide volcanoes)

Weather, meteorology and climate

Climate Prediction Center

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Los Alamos National Laboratory