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Reports and Publications

Communicating Knowledge

Langley Research Center communicates the knowledge gained through research and development programs to industry, academia and the public.

NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program

The NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) is dedicated to the advancement of aeronautics and space science. The STI Program acquires, processes, archives, announces and disseminates NASA's internal STI and provides access to worldwide STI of critical importance to NASA and the Nation. NASA STI products include:

Publication Servers

The Langley Fact Sheet Server contains fact sheets, information summaries, lithographs and other publications about many of NASA Langley's research programs. Users can browse Langley's publications or search NASA-wide for hundreds of other electronic publications on NASA programs.

The Langley Technical Reports Server (LTRS) contains formal reports published by Langley researchers. Users can browse or search bibliographic information as well as retrieve the related abstracts and full text of the reports. Most reports are stored in compressed Postscript format or PDF format.

The NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) contains formal reports published by NASA researchers. This service allows users to search the many abstract and technical report servers maintained by various NASA centers and programs.

The report server for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics provides scanned NACA reports authored by researchers from all NACA sites. NACA was the predecessor organization to NASA, active from 1917-1958. Reports are available in GIF and PDF formats.
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 Research Section Aeronautics Earth Science Space Technology Structures and Materials

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NASA Responsible Official: C. W. Cleghorn • Page Curator: R. D. Allen • Last Updated: 10.25.04