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National Renewable Energy Laboratory Publications Database

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Welcome to NREL's Publications Database. This database contains references to documents written and/or edited by staff and subcontractors of NREL.

Covering subjects related to sustainable energy technologies from 1977 to the present, our bibliographic database includes NREL technical reports, fact sheets, brochures, videos, books, journal articles, conference papers, patents, and exhibits.
Recent Publications
October 2003 - March 2004
Cover of the Energy ePubs UpdateSee our most recent documents on energy efficiency and renewable energy research, development, and technologies
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Selected publications are available in full text online and can be located by searching the database or the DOE Information Bridge at If the publication you want is not yet online, documents are available, unless otherwise noted, in limited quantities from the NREL Document Distribution Service:
(303) 275-4363; fax: (303) 275-4053, email: document_distribution@nrel.govSkip Footer Navigation to End of Page

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