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USAID/DR launches a new 5-Year strategy 2002-2007

USAID Dominican Republic launched a new 5-year development strategy during the summer of 2002. This new strategic plan will help advance Dominican Republic and USAID priorities in the areas of Economic Growth, Democracy and Governance and Health. USAID plans to invest $100 million in these areas over a 5-year period. [more]
Increased Sustainable Economic Opportunities for the Poor

As a result of USAID's  financial support,  this small egg laying chicken farm is able to produce larger quantities and better quality eggs due to an improved feeding method.Economic growth in the Dominican Republic must be sustained and its benefits spread to the thirty percent of the population who still live in poverty. For almost a decade, the Dominican Republic has enjoyed a high economic growth, which makes it the envy of its Latin American neighbors. Growth has led to a reduction in poverty; however, poverty is still high, especially compared with other countries that have similar rates of growth, such as East Asia. Sustained economic growth is a prerequisite to improve the well being of the poor, but continued growth rates are not guaranteed. [more]
More Participatory, Representative and Accountable Democracy Achieved

In this picture we can see how the Dominican elections went smoother thanks to USAID?s support through Civil SocietyOnly through more concerted and sustained efforts by the citizenry, its public servants and the three branches of government can democracy become more participatory, representative and accountable in the Dominican Republic. USAID's role is multi-dimensional: to support civil society's efforts to improve the electoral process and democratize the political system through which elected officials are selected and govern; to assist governing institutions and civil society efforts to ensure that those who govern do so in a transparent, equitable and judicious manner; and to strengthen the judicial system that helps ensure citizen rights and liberties, especially those of the poor, are safeguarded. [more]
Sustained Improvement in the Health of Vulnerable Populations in the Dominican Republic

By viewing this picture, we can have an idea of the outcome of USAID?s financial support in the child survival strategySustained improvement in the health of vulnerable populations in the Dominican Republic will not be attained by USAID efforts alone. However, USAID will make clear and major contributions in attaining this goal. USAID will focus on three major areas of health risks in the Dominican population: HIV/AIDS prevention and care; child survival; and reproductive health/family planning (RH/FP). A fourth area of emphasis, and one which provides the organizational underpinnings for the other three, is health sector reform. [more]

Last updated on August 27, 2003

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