United States
Office of
Personnel Management

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Adoption Benefits
Child/Elder Fair
Nursing Mothers
Report to Congress
Parenting Support
Child Care Resources Handbook
Training Guide for Supervisory
Training Guide for Supervisory

Reports to

United States
Office of Personnel Management

Family-Friendly Workplace Advocacy


The Family-Friendly Workplace Advocacy Office provides governmentwide leadership and technical assistance to agencies in the use of comprehensive family-friendly programs by aggressively supporting the use of flexible work schedules and sites; leave programs (leave sharing, leave banks, leave for medical conditions and family responsibilities); part-time employment/job sharing; telecommuting; Employee Assistance Programs; on-site child development centers; and information and referral services. The Office works with the General Service Administration ) to provide information about Federal child care center programs and telecommuting, and the Department of Health and Human Services to promote the adoption of children and to assist parents who need help in collecting child support.

Questions may be sent to workandfamily@opm.gov.

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Updated 21 August 2000