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National Park Service Reference Desk FOIA page FOIA & Privacy Act Policies, Guidance & Manuals Reference Desk Hompage

NPS Freedom of Information Act - Hot Docs

The following list contains documents that are currently "hot" issues for the National Park Service and others that have been requested under the Freedom of Information Act. The documents and information available on this National Park Service website are provided in accordance with the Electronic FOIA (5 USC 552) Amendments of 1996. Many of these documents are available in Adobe PDF Format. Click here if you need the Adobe Reader.

While there are several parks listed on this site, each park has its own section that provides links to documents of interest under FOIA. To find these documents visit a park's homepage from www.nps.gov/park.html and click on the FACS/DOCS section.

Servicewide Documents

Comprehensive Law Enforcement Review and IACP Report

This file is in Adobe PDF format and is approximately 12MB. To download without opening the file in the browser, right click on the link and select "save link as" or "save target as" depending on your browser to save the file to a folder. Then use Adobe Reader 4.0 to open the file.

Cerro Grande Prescribed Fire Investigation Report

Recreational Fee Demonstration Program

National Academy of Public Administration
Strengthening the National Park Service Construction Program
(May be purchased from this site in Adobe PDF format)

Public Transportation in National Parks:
Memorandum of Understanding Between Secretary of Transportation and Secretary of the Interior to set forth the general terms and conditions for cooperatively developing and integrating transportation planning within the Department of the Interior (DOI)

Morning Report
Daily listing of incidents reported from NPS Units.

Search and Rescue
1998 Annual Report
1998 Annual Report Incident Summary

CY2000 Incident Report Procedures

List of Purchase Card Holders
You have the choice of a full HTML list or a downloadable file. If you should experience problems downloading these files contact Stephanie Taylor at (202) 219-0579. If you have any questions regarding the content of this site contact Wiley Horsley at (202) 208-3347.

ParkNet Recreational Activity Database
Available only in Microsoft Excel 2000 format.
This database contains public information that is found in the Park Profiles Guide. Photographs and expanded park websites are not included. Exported quarterly. Last update 10/6/2002
Contact the NPS Webmaster for comments and questions regarding this database.

Park Specific Documents

Rocky Mountain

Draft EA for the Management of Snowmobiles
(This file is in PDF format)
Your comments must be received in writing by close of business on March 6, 2001. You can submit your comments to us in several ways:
Mail: Superintendent, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado 80517
E-mail: romo_superintendent@nps.gov
Fed EX: Superintendent, Rocky Mountain National Park, 1000 U.S. Highway 36, Estes Park, Colorado 80517
Hand deliver: Rocky Mountain National Park Headquarters, 1000 Highway 36, Estes Park, Colorado or to the Kawuneeche Visitor Center, Rocky Mountain National Park, P.O. Box 100, Grand Lake, Colorado 80447

Denali NP
Snowmobiling Policy

Gettysburg NMP
General Management Plan

Everglades NP
Land Acquisition; Programmatic Environmental Assessment, Everglades Agricultural Area, July 1997
Lands Legacy Initiative

Grand Canyon NP
Colorado River Management Plan, September, 1997
Grand Canyon Management Plan, August, 1995

Yellowstone NP
Yellowstone Archives Master Inventory Index
Winter Visitor Use Management, April, 1997

Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Interagency Bison Management Plan for the State of Montana and Yellowstone National Park

Yosemite NP
Yosemite Valley Implementation Plan and other planning documents

If you are unable to find the document that you are looking for, you may want to submit a Freedom of Information Act request.

National Park Service
Department of the Interior
privacy & disclaimer

Updated 10/09/2001
Author: Kendra Peel