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FOIA & Privacy Act Policies, Guidance & Manuals Reference Desk Hompage


Policy Place
The Office of Policy and Regulations manages the Policy Place web site. There, you can find information about:

  • NPS Directives System, including Management Policies, Director's Orders, and other policy guidance,
  • the National Leadership Council and all the Journals that serve as records of their meetings for the NPS work force, and
  • the Advisory/Operating Committees for the NPS, including the National Park System Adivsory Board.

Contact the NPS Office of Policy and Regulations for comments and questions regarding this site.

NPS Budget
This site has links to Budget related publications, the Green Book, historical budget information, budget systems, and other related sites.

Contact the NPS Budget Office for comments and questions regarding this site.

2000/2005 NPS Strategic Plan
This document provides the agency’s framework and process for strategic planning and reporting on measurable outcomes, focusing on the results achieved rather than on the amount of effort expended. It integrates the Government Performance and Results Act requirements into its planning, budget, reporting, and evaluation processes.

Records Management
This site provides information on the Records Disposition Schedule, NARA Programs, NPS Contacts, and the Federal Register.

Management Accountability
Management accountability is the expectation that managers are responsible for the quality and timeliness of program performance, increasing productivity, controlling costs and mitigating adverse aspects of agency operations, and assuring that programs are managed with integrity and in compliance with applicable law. Here you will find information on laws related to management accountability and NPS contacts.

Contact the Office of Audits and Accountability for comments and questions regarding this site.

Property Management Program
This website is designed to facilitate support to personnel within the National Park Service who are responsible for performing a variety of personal and real property management functions and make critical information readily available. It serves as a one stop shopping for property management and provides information on Fixed Assets, Frequently Asked Questions, policies, forms, and software.

Contact the NPS Property Management Office for comments and questions regarding this site.

Environmental Leadership
This web site is for you to utilize as sort of a "Green Toolbox" as you gather information, share your knowledge and experiences and further the use of sustainable energy and the practices of resource conservation in your area. One thing to remember is that this toolbox will be filled with the information you need, it is therefore yours to use, and feel free to interact so the site will remain alive, usefull and provide all the tools you require.

The site will additionally provide information on the National Park Service and its greening activities to other stakeholders to include park visitors, designers and managers at the regional and service center levels, concessionaires, park and conservation employees in other bureaus and at state, regional, local and private areas, educators, elected officials, taxpayers, utility and businesses, and the renewable energy/energy efficiency industries.

Contact Kent Bullard for comments and questions regarding this site.

Departmental Guidance

Departmental Manual
All updated chapters of the Departmental Manual are held in The Electronic Library of Interior Policies (ELIPS). In addition to being the repository for the Departmental Manual, the ELIPS also lists all active Secretary's Orders.

Last updated11/02/2001
Comments: Contact Kendra Peel

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