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Sci4Kids Introduction

Welcome to Science for Kids

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Cartoon: Computer with arms and legs and wearing an orange hat

Computer 'person' shuffling paper

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Miniature image of the Sci4kids home page

Our home page says it all in pictures: in your world, science is everywhere you look.

Click on the bee or the tractor or the fish or the satellite--or anything else that turns your cursor into a pointing finger. That will take you right into the world of the Agricultural Research Service, or ARS. (Or see the contents.)

Sci4Kids is a series of stories about what scientists do here at the ARS. Geared to kids about 8 to 13 years old, it is produced by the ARS Information Staff in Beltsville, Maryland. We bet you'll agree that much of what our scientists do is not what you might expect.

You may be a student today but may already be on your way to a career in science or farming or computers. Or maybe you're curious about some of the strange creatures that share the planet with you. (Other than your brother or sister.)

Science is not something far away in a laboratory. It's wired right into your daily life--to the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the water you drink. Whatever your interest in science, we hope Sci4Kids will help you find out that it can be fun as well as informative.

The stories in Sci4Kids are based on some of the research stories in our monthly Agricultural Research magazine and other news reports. Those materials are geared to an adult audience, but please explore them as you wish. You can use our search engine to find stories on specific topics.

As we continue to "grow" the site, begun in September 1998, we welcome your suggestions for improvement. You can e-mail us by clicking on the Dr. Watts button, which sends inquiries to the site's coordinator.

Sci4Kids follows the privacy policy of ARS and other USDA agencies, described on the Web at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/disclaim.html