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Current Bibliographies in Medicine | |
CBM 96-2 Management of Temporomandibular Disorders January 1990 through December 1995 917 Citations Prepared by Martha H. Glock, M.L.S., National Library of Medicine James A. Lipton, D.D.S., Ph.D., National Institute of Dental Research U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 1996 National Library of Medicine Cataloging in Publication Glock, Martha Management of temporomandibular disorders : January 1990 through December 1995 : 917 citations / prepared by Martha H. Glock, James A. Lipton. -- Bethesda, Md. (8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda 20894) : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Reference Section ; Pittsburgh, PA : Sold by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1996. -- (Current bibliographies in medicine ; 96-2) Prepared in support of the National Institutes of Health Technology Assessment Conference on Management of Temporomandibular Disorders, held in Bethesda, Md., April 29-May 1, 1996. 1. Temporomandibular Joint Diseases - therapy - bibliography 2. Temporomandibular Joint - bibliography 3. Myofascial Pain Syndromes - therapy - bibliography 4. Craniomandibular Disorders - therapy - bibliography I. Lipton, James A. II. National Library of Medicine (U.S.). Reference Section III. National Institutes of Health Technology Assessment Conference on Management of Temporomandibular Disorders (1996 : Bethesda, Md.) IV. Title V. Series 02NLM: ZW 1 N272 no.96-2 SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine's Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE, AVLINE, BIOETHICSLINE, CANCERLIT, CATLINE, HEALTH, POPLINE and TOXLINE . The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: Karen Patrias, Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 Phone: 301-496-6097 Fax: 301-402-1384 Internet: patrias@nlm.nih.gov Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. To order the entire CBM series for calendar year 1996 (approximately 10 bibliographies), send $47.00 ($58.75 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM96. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($5.50, $6.88 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title, CBM number, and the GPO List ID given above. Internet Access: The Current Bibliographies in Medicine series is also available at no cost to anyone with Internet access through FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP to nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov and login as anonymous. The index file in the "bibs" directory provides information on the bibliographies available. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through September 30, 1996. MANAGEMENT OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DISORDERS Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a group of conditions related to functional problems associated with the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and/or the muscles that move the jaw (masticatory muscles). Common signs and symptoms associated with TMD are limited range of mandibular movement, tenderness on palpation of the masticatory muscles and jaw joint, clicking sounds in the jaw joint on opening and/or closing the mouth, and pain during chewing. The most frequent symptom is pain in the TMJ region, which affects more than ten percent of adults at any one time, and one in three adults over their life. The etiology and pathogenesis of TMD are not clear, and practitioners employ a multitude of treatments and management approaches to care for TMD sufferers. However, some treatment modalities have little, if any, foundation in rigorous and methodologically sound clinical studies. Despite the lack of scientific basis, many of these management approaches are in widespread use, often at great financial cost and, in some cases, personal discomfort to patients. This has led to increasing concerns among patients and clinicians about the relevance, safety, and efficacy of various types of TMD treatments. As a result, there is a need to assess the rationale for and outcomes of a variety of management approaches currently used for TMD. In addition, it is important to examine potential, new approaches to the management of TMD, especially those based on recent findings from such areas as molecular and cell biology, neuroendocrinology, immunology, and tissue engineering. This bibliography was prepared in support of the National Institutes of Health Technology Assessment Conference on Management of Temporomandibular Disorders held in Bethesda, Maryland on April 29 - May 1, 1996. It consists primarly of references to journal articles from 1990 to 1995 and covers the following areas: history of diagnostic schema and management approaches to TMD; diagnosis, classification, assessment and etiology (human and animal studies); health services and costs of care; psychosocial and behavioral studies; epidemiology; management approaches, including general considerations for care, occlusion and occlusal appliances, implants and devices to replace or supplement the temporomandibular joint, surgery and other modalities; managing patients with failed implants, multiple surgeries, and chronic pain and dysfunction; and potential new approaches to care. All languages are considered. Each reference is cited under the heading(s) which describes the main topic of the article. In general, only articles which report clinical or basic science research studies or review comprehensively a particular topic are included; most letters and all editorials, textbooks, and theoretical or speculative articles have been omitted. SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM's MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1 = TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT OR EXPLODE TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISEASES OR MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROMES OR CRANIOMANDIBULAR DISORDERS SS 2 = TMJ (TW) OR TEMPOROMANDIBULAR ADJ JOINT SS 3 = 1 OR 2 SS 4 = 3 AND TH (SH) OR 3 AND SU (SH) OR 3 AND DT (SH) OR 3 AND PA (SH) OR 3 AND EP (SH) SS 5 = *TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISEASES AND ALL REVIEW OR *TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT AND ALL REVIEW SS 6 = 1 AND EXPLODE PAIN OR 1 AND CHRONIC ADJ PAIN OR 1 AND FACIAL PAIN SS 7 = 3 AND EXPLODE DENTAL OCCLUSIONS OR 3 AND EXPLODE MALOCCLUSION OR 3 AND EXPLODE ORTHODONTICS SS 8 = 3 AND EXPLODE DENTAL IMPLANTATION OR 3 AND BIOPROSTHESIS OR 3 AND EXPLODE IMPLANTS, ARTIFICIAL OR 3 AND PROSTHESIS FAILURE OR 3 AND EXPLODE DENTAL PROSTHESIS OR 3 AND BONE TRANSPLANTATION OR 3 AND EXPLODE JOINT PROSTHESIS OR 3 AND PROSTHESIS-RELATED INFECTIONS SS 9 = 3 AND STRESS OR 3 AND STRESS, PSYCHOLOGICAL OR 3 AND BIOFEEDBACK OR 3 AND EXPLODE PSYCHOTHERAPY OR 3 AND EXPLODE PHYSICAL THERAPY SS 10 = 3 AND SURGERY, ORAL OR 3 AND PROSTHODONTICS OR 3 AND GENERAL PRACTICE, DENTAL OR 3 AND EXPLODE ENDODONTICS OR 3 AND EXPLODE SURGERY, PLASTIC OR 3 AND INTERNAL MEDICINE SS 11 = 3 AND RHEUMATOLOGY OR 3 AND ALL OTOLARYNGOL: (TW) OR 3 AND ALL OSTEOPATH: (TW) OR 3 AND ALL ARTHRIT: (TW) OR 3 AND ALL CHIROPRACT: (TW) SS 12 = 3 AND EXPLODE BIOCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS OR 3 AND FORECASTING OR 3 AND EXPLODE BIOMATERIALS OR 3 AND EXPLODE BIOMECHANICS OR 3 AND TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRIC NERVE STIMULATION SS 13 = 3 AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS, STEROIDAL (PX) SS 14 = 3 AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS, NON-STEROIDAL (PX) SS 15 = 3 AND MUSCLE RELAXANTS, CENTRAL (PX) SS 16 = 3 AND NARCOTICS (PX) SS 17 = 3 AND ANALGESICS (PX) SS 18 = 3 AND PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS (PX) SS 19 = 3 AND ANTI-ANXIETY AGENTS (PX) SS 20 = 3 AND ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENTS (PX) SS 21 = 3 AND VALIUM (TW) OR 3 AND DIAZEPAM OR 3 AND IBUPROFEN OR 3 AND DOXEPIN OR 3 AND AMITRIPTYLENE OR 3 AND CARBAMAZEPINE SS 22 = 4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7 OR 8 OR 9 OR 10 OR 11 OR 12 OR 13 OR 14 OR 15 OR 16 OR 17 OR 18 OR 19 OR 20 OR 21 GRATEFUL MED and INTERNET GRATEFUL MED To make online searching easier and more efficient, the Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer-based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM-compatible) with DOS 2.0 or a Macintosh, and requires a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. INTERNET GRATEFUL MED is available from the World Wide Web. The user with Internet access and an NLM user account need only point a compatible Web browser (Netscape Navigator is strongly recommended) to http://igm.nlm.nih.gov. No other software at the user end is required. At present, MEDLINE is the only NLM database available through INTERNET GRATEFUL MED, but the Library expects to add access to other files rapidly. SAMPLE CITATIONS Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus *. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is given in the original language. In both cases the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Journal Article: Authors Article Title Clark GT. Etiologic theory and prevention of temporomandibular disorders. Adv Dent Res 1994 Jul;72(1):29-38. Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title Monograph: Authors/Editors Title McNeill C, editor. Temporomandibular disorders: guidelines for classification, assessment and management. 2nd ed. Chicago: Quintessence; 1993. 141 p. Place of Publisher Date Total No. Publication of Pages _________________________________ *For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication: Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 1991 Apr. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB91-182030. TABLE OF CONTENTS History Diagnosis, Classification, Assessment, Etiology Human Studies Animal Studies Health Services and Costs of Care Psychosocial and Behavioral Studies Epidemiology Management Approaches General Considerations for Care Occlusion and Occlusal Appliances Orthodontics Physical Therapy Pharmacology Behavior and Education TMJ Devices Surgery Treating Failures Other Approaches Potential New Approaches HISTORY Ash MM Jr. Philosophy of occlusion: past and present. Dent Clin North Am 1995 Apr;39(2):233-55. Clark GT. Etiologic theory and the prevention of temporomandibular disorders. Adv Dent Res 1991 Dec;5:60-6. Clark GT, Delcanho RE, Goulet JP. The utility and validity of current diagnostic procedures for defining temporomandibular disorder patients. Adv Dent Res 1993 Aug;7(2):97-112. Colt JS. Occlusal splint therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders: A historical perspective. Cranio Clin Int 1991;1(2):1-12. Lorber CG. Pathology of the temporo-mandibular joint and its treatment in the first half of the 19th century. 1. Dent Hist 1991 May;(20):16-29. Lorber CG. Pathology of the temporomandibular joint and its treatment in the first half of the 19th century. 2. Dent Hist 1991 Nov;(21):3-12. Perry HT. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction: from Costen to the present. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1995 Jan;24(1):163-7. DIAGNOSIS, CLASSIFICATION, ASSESSMENT, ETIOLOGY Human Studies Alder ME, Deahl ST, Matteson SR. Clinical usefulness of two-dimensional reformatted and three-dimensionally rendered computerized tomographic images: literature review and a survey of surgeons' opinions. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1995 Apr;53(4):375-86. Anker AH, D'Rozario RH, Li S. Computerized axial tomography in the diagnosis of internal derangements of the temporomandibular joint. Aust Dent J 1990 Jun;35(3):253-7. Antczak-Bouckoms A, Tulloch JF, Bouckoms AJ, Keith D, Lavori P. Diagnostic decision making. Anesth Prog 1990 Mar-Jun;37(2-3):161-5. Ash CM, Pinto OF. The TMJ and the middle ear: structural and functional correlates for aural symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Int J Prosthodont 1991 Jan-Feb;4(1): 51-7. Atwood MJ, Dixon DC, Talcott GW, Peterson AL. Comparison of two scales in the assessment of muscle and joint palpation tenderness in chronic temporomandibular disorders. J Orofac Pain 1993 Fall;7(4):403-7. Awerbuch MS. Thermography--its current diagnostic status in musculoskeletal medicine. Med J Aust 1991 Apr 1;154(7):441-4. Comments in: Med J Aust 1991 May 20;154(10):707; Med J Aust 1991 Jun 3; 154(11):777-8; Med J Aust 1991 Jul 1;155(1):57-8. Bauer W, Augthun M, Wehrbein H, Muller-Leisse C, Diedrich P. [The diagnosis and orthodontic relevance of anterior disk displacement without reduction. Clinical, axiographic and magnetic resonance tomographic studies]. Fortschr Kieferorthop 1994 Feb;55(1):21-7. (Ger). Bendtsen L, Jensen R, Jensen NK, Olesen J. Muscle palpation with controlled finger pressure: new equipment for the study of tender myofascial tissues. Pain 1994 Nov;59(2):235-9. Brady AP, McDevitt L, Stack JP, Downey D. A technique for magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint. Clin Radiol 1993 Feb;47(2):127-33. Brand JW, Nielson KJ, Tallents RH, Nanda RS, Currier GF, Owen WL. Lateral cephalometric analysis of skeletal patterns in patients with and without internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1995 Feb;107(2):121-8. Braun B, Schiffman EL. The validity and predictive value of four assessment instruments for evaluation of the cervical and stomatognathic systems. J Craniomandib Disord 1991;5(4):239-44. Brooks SL, Westesson PL. Temporomandibular joint: value of coronal MR images. Radiology 1993 Aug; 188(2):317-21. Bush FM, Harrington WG, Harkins SW. Interexaminer comparison of bone scintigraphy and panoramic radiography of temporomandibular joints: correlation with signs and symptoms. J Prosthet Dent 1992 Feb; 67(2):246-51. Capurso U, Garino GB. [New directions in cranio-cervico-mandibular cephalometry]. Mondo Ortod 1990 Jul-Aug;15(4):419-27. (Ita). Carls FR, von Hochstetter A, Makek M, Engelke W. Diagnostic accuracy of TMJ arthroscopy in correlation to histological findings. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 1995 Apr;23(2):75-80. Cascone P, Di Paolo C, Rampello A, Colonnelli P, Pennacchini N, Pennacchini R, Miraglia D. [Neuromuscular assessment and postural examination in patients with TMJ condylo-meniscal incoordination]. Minerva Stomatol 1992 Mar;41(3): 79-90. (Ita). Cholitgul W, Petersson A, Rohlin M, Akerman S. Clinical and radiological findings in temporomandibular joints with disc perforation. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1990 Aug;19(4):220-5. Ciancaglini R, Loreti P, Radaelli G. Ear, nose, and throat symptoms in patients with TMD: the association of symptoms according to severity of arthropathy. J Orofac Pain 1994 Summer;8(3):293-7. Claeys T, Bremerich A, Cesteleyn L, Kovacs B. [Importance of diagnosis in facial pain]. Acta Stomatol Belg 1992 Dec;89(4):239-48. (Dut). Cooper BC. Recognition of craniomandibular disorders. Otolaryngol Clin North Am 1992 Aug;25(4):867-87. Cooper BC, Cooper DL. Multidisciplinary approach to the differential diagnosis of facial, head and neck pain. J Prosthet Dent 1991 Jul;66(1):72-8. Cooper BC, Cooper DL. Recognizing otolaryngologic symptoms in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Cranio 1993 Oct;11(4):260-7. Czajkowska E. [Evaluation of temporo-mandibular myoarthropathies, the status of the masticatory system and patients' personality based on the tests and clinical studies]. Ann Acad Med Stetin 1992;38: 21-34. (Pol). Dao TT, Lund JP, Lavigne GJ. Pain responses to experimental chewing in myofascial pain patients. J Dent Res 1994 Jun;73(6):1163-7. Davant TS 6th, Greene CS, Perry HT, Lautenschlager EP. A quantitative computer-assisted analysis of disc displacement in patients with internal derangement using sagittal view magnetic resonance imaging. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1993 Sep;51(9):974-9; discussion 979-81. de Bont LG, Stegenga B. Pathology of temporomandibular joint internal derangement and osteoarthrosis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1993 Apr; 22(2):71-4. de Bont LG, van der Kuijl B, Stegenga B, Vencken LM, Boering G. Computed tomography in differential diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorders. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1993 Aug;22(4):200-9. Dijkstra PU, de Bont LG, de Leeuw R, Stegenga B, Boering G. Temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis and temporomandibular joint hypermobility. Cranio 1993 Oct;11(4):268-75. Dijkstra PU, de Bont LG, Stegenga B, Boering G. Temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis and generalized joint hypermobility. Cranio 1992 Jul;10(3):221-7. Dittmer D, Ewers R. [Articular disk dislocation in the human TMJ]. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z 1991 Jul;46(7): 476-9. (Ger). Donaldson KW. Rheumatoid diseases and the temporomandibular joint: a review. Cranio 1995;13(4):264-9. Douglass CW. Evaluating diagnostic tests. Adv Dent Res 1993 Aug;7(2):66-9. Duckro PN, Chibnall JT, Greenberg MS. Myofascial involvement in chronic post-traumatic headache. Headache Q 1995;6(1):34-8. Duvoisin B, Klaus E, Schnyder P. Coronal radiographs and videofluoroscopy improve the diagnostic quality of temporomandibular joint arthrography. Am J Roentgenol 1990;155(1):105-7. Dworkin SF, LeResche L. Research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders: review, criteria, examinations and specifications, critique. J Craniomandib Disord 1992 Fall;6(4):301-55. Ebner KA, Otis LL, Zakhary R, Danforth RA. Axial temporomandibular joint morphology: a correlative study of radiographic and gross anatomic findings. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1990 Feb;69(2): 247-52. Engelke W, Ruttimann UE, Tsuchimochi M, Bacher JD. An experimental study of new diagnostic methods for the examination of osseous lesions in the temporomandibular joint. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1992 Mar;73(3):348-59. Eriksson L, Westesson P-L, Macher D, Hicks D, Tallents RH. Creation of disc displacement in human temporomandibular joint autopsy specimens. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1992;50(8):869-73. Fischbach R, Heindel W, Lin Y, Friedrich R, Brochhagen HG. [A comparison of NMR tomography and arthrography in functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint]. Rofo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Neuen Bildgeb Verfahr 1995 Mar;162(3): 216-23. (Ger). Flor H, Schugens MM, Birbaumer N. Discrimination of muscle tension in chronic pain patients and healthy controls. Biofeedback Self Regul 1992 Sep;17(3): 165-77. Galante G, Paesani D, Tallents RH, Hatala MA, Katzberg RW, Murphy W. Angle of the articular eminence in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and asymptomatic volunteers. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1995 Aug;80(2): 242-9. Gan YH, Ma XC, Wang J. [Magnetic resonance imaging of lateral pterygoid muscle in temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome]. Chung Hua Kou Chiang Hsueh Tsa Chih 1994 Nov;29(6):326-8, 383. (Chi). Gay T, Maton B, Rendell J, Majourau A. Characteristics of muscle fatigue in patients with myofascial pain-dysfunction syndrome. Arch Oral Biol 1994 Oct; 39(10):847-52. Gelb M. Length-tension relations of the masticatory elevator muscles in normal subjects and pain dysfunction patients. Cranio 1990 Apr;8(2):139-53. Gianniri AI, Melsen B, Nielsen L, Athanasiou AE. Occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation and craniomandibular dysfunction in 16- to 17-year-old adolescents. J Oral Rehabil 1991 Jan;18(1):49-59. Glaros AG, Brockman DL, Ackerman RJ. Impact of overbite on indicators of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Cranio 1992 Oct;10(4):277-81. Goga D, Goupille P, Fouquet B, Cotty P, Unger P, Mateu J, Valat JP, Ballon G. [Tomographic aspects of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Comparative study of 30 subjects with rheumatoid arthritis and 30 normal subjects]. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 1990;91(2):76-9. (Fre). Goupille P, Fouquet B, Cotty P, Goga D, Valat JP. [Temporomandibular joint and rheumatoid polyarthritis. Correlations between clinical and tomodensitometric abnormalities]. Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic 1992 Mar;59(3):213-8. (Fre). Granges G, Littlejohn G. Prevalence of myofascial pain syndrome in fibromyalgia syndrome and regional pain syndrome: A comparative study. J Musculoskelet Pain 1993;1(2):19-35. Gratt BM, Sickles EA. Future applications of electronic thermography. J Am Dent Assoc 1991 May;122(6): 28-36. Gu Z, Zhang Z, Sun K, Wu Q. Structural and ultrastructural studies of the synovial membrane in temporomandibular joint disturbance syndrome. Chin Med J (Engl) 1995 Jun;108(6):444-9. Hagberg C. General musculoskeletal complaints in a group of patients with craniomandibular disorders (CMD). A case control study. Swed Dent J 1991; 15(4):179-85. Hagberg C, Hellsing G, Hagberg M. Perception of cutaneous electrical stimulation in patients with craniomandibular disorders. J Craniomandib Disord 1990 Spring;4(2):120-5. Hapak L, Gordon A, Locker D, Shandling M, Mock D, Tenenbaum HC. Differentiation between musculoligamentous, dentoalveolar, and neurologically based craniofacial pain with a diagnostic questionnaire. J Orofac Pain 1994 Fall; 8(4):357-68. Hardison JD, Okeson JP. Comparison of three clinical techniques for evaluating joint sounds. Cranio 1990 Oct;8(4):307-11. Harness DM, Donlon WC, Eversole LR. Comparison of clinical characteristics in myogenic, TMJ internal derangement and atypical facial pain patients. Clin J Pain 1990 Mar;6(1):4-17. Heffez LB, Jordan SL. Superficial vascularity of temporomandibular joint retrodiskal tissue: an element of the internal derangement process. Cranio 1992 Jul;10(3):180-91. Helms CA, Kaplan P. Diagnostic imaging of the temporomandibular joint: recommendations for use of the various techniques. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1990 Feb;154(2):319-22. Comment in: AJR Am J Roentgenol 1990 Oct;155(4):895-6. Helmy ES. Light microscopic and ultrastructural study of thinned discal areas in patients with temporomandibular joint internal derangement. Egypt Dent J 1993 Jan;39(1):325-36. Henderson DH, Cooper JC Jr, Bryan GW, Van Sickels JE. Otologic complaints in temporomandibular joint syndrome. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1992 Nov;118(11):1208-13. Comment in: Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1994 Jun;120(6):675. Holmlund A, Ekblom A, Hansson P, Lind J, Lundeberg T, Theodorsson E. Concentrations of neuropeptides substance P, neurokinin A, calcitonin gene-related peptide, neuropeptide Y and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in synovial fluid of the human temporomandibular joint. A correlation with symptoms, signs and arthroscopic findings. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1991 Aug;20(4):228-31. Holmlund AB, Gynther G, Reinholt FP. Rheumatoid arthritis and disk derangement of the temporomandibular joint. A comparative arthroscopic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1992 Mar; 73(3):273-7. Holmlund AB, Gynther GW, Reinholt FP. Disk derangement and inflammatory changes in the posterior disk attachment of the temporomandibular joint. A histologic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1992 Jan;73(1):9-12. Howard RP, Hatsell CP, Guzman HM. Temporomandibular joint injury potential imposed by the low-velocity extension-flexion maneuver. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1995 Mar;53(3):256-62; discussion 263. Intrieri RC, Jones GE, Alcorn JD. Masseter muscle hyperactivity and myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome: a relationship under stress. J Behav Med 1994 Oct;17(5):479-500. Ishigaki S, Bessette RW, Maruyama T. A clinical study of temporomandibular joint TMJ vibrations in TMJ dysfunction patients. Cranio 1993;11(1):7-13. Jih CH, Chang CY, Lee SK. Magnetic resonance image of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 1992;8(4):219-24. Juniper RP. The shape of the condyle and position of the meniscus in temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1994 Apr;32(2):71-6. Keller DC, Carano A. Eminence-posterior occlusal plane angle in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Cranio 1991 Apr;9(2):159-64. Kondoh T, Westesson PL. Diagnostic accuracy of temporomandibular joint lower-compartment arthroscopy using an ultrathin arthroscope: a postmortem study. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1991 Jun;49(6):619-26. Kononen M. Signs and symptoms of craniomandibular disorders in men with Reiter's disease. J Craniomandib Disord 1992 Fall;6(4):247-53. Kroon GW, Naeije M. Electromyographic evidence of local muscle fatigue in a subgroup of patients with myogenous craniomandibular disorders. Arch Oral Biol 1992 Mar;37(3):215-8. Larheim TA, Smith HJ, Aspestrand F. Rheumatic disease of the temporomandibular joint: MR imaging and tomographic manifestations. Radiology 1990 May; 175(2):527-31. Laskin DM. Diagnosis of pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Clinical and imaging perspectives. Radiol Clin North Am 1993 Jan;31(1): 135-47. LeResche L, Dworkin SF, Sommers EE, Truelove EL. An epidemiologic evaluation of two diagnostic classification schemes for temporomandibular disorders. J Prosthet Dent 1991 Jan;65(1):131-7. Levitt SR, McKinney MW. Appropriate use of predictive values in clinical decision making and evaluating diagnostic tests for TMD. J Orofac Pain 1994 Summer;8(3):298-308. Lieberman JM, Hans MG, Rozencweig G, Goldberg JS, Bellon EM. MR imaging of the juvenile temporomandibular joint: preliminary report. Radiology 1992 Feb;182(2):531-4. Linde C, Isacsson G. Clinical signs in patients with disk displacement versus patients with myogenic craniomandibular disorders. J Craniomandib Disord 1990 Summer;4(3):197-204. Lobbezoo-Scholte AM, De Wijer A, Steenks MH, Bosman F. Interexaminer reliability of six orthopaedic tests in diagnostic subgroups of craniomandibular disorders. J Oral Rehabil 1994; 21(3):273-85. Lobbezoo-Scholte AM, Steenks MH, Faber JA, Bosman F. Diagnostic value of orthopedic tests in patients with temporomandibular disorders. J Dent Res 1993 Oct;72(10):1443-53. Luder HU. 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Last updated: 31 December 1996