Atlantic Climate Change Program (ACCP)
(Schmitz, 1995)
Motivation: Decadal variability in the coupled air-sea system has an important effect on global climate at these time-scales. Recent studies suggest that variability on decadal scales also modulates variability on interannual time- scales. To develop forecast capability on decadal time-scales it is necessary to review the historical data-set for the signature of these anomalies and to begin collection of long-term data-sets to monitor this variability. The resulting data will be used to initialize decadal models, verify the models and study the dynamics of the coupled system.
Principal Investigators:

Dr. M. Baringer
Dr. H. Bezdek
Dr. D. Hansen
Dr. E. Johns
Dr. R. Molinari
Mr. W. Wilson

NOAA Strategic Plan Element: Predict and Assess Decadal-to-Centennial Change

Sources of funds: Office of Global Programs/ACCP component

Description: Program Goals
Specific AOML objectives
Publications, 1990-1997
ACCP Newsletter


The Atlantic Climate Change Program Proceedings from the Principal Investigator's Meeting is available. If you would like a copy, Email Anne-Marie Wilburn