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NWS Office, Melbourne, Florida

The Applied Meteorology Unit
A cooperative effort of NASA, the USAF, and the NWS

AMU Logo

The Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU) is a tri-agency cooperative effort for transitioning new techniques from the research arena to improve operational weather analysis and forecasting in support of the Space Shuttle and the National Space Program.  It is operated by ENSCO, Inc. under contract to NASA and is co-located with the 45th Weather Squadron at Range Weather Operations (RWO) on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL. The AMU supports RWO forecasters who provide weather support for Shuttle and expendable vehicle ground processing and launches, and the National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters in the Spaceflight Meteorology Group (SMG) at Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX who provide weather support for Shuttle on-orbit and landing operations.  Additionally, when applied research and technology transition initiatives are shown to have potential for improving analysis and forecasting for public weather interests, the AMU also supports the NWS Weather Forecast Office in Melbourne, FL (MLB) who provide a broad variety of regional forecasts and warnings. To capitalize on scientific progress derived from the synergy of tri-agency participants, and for the benefit of the American public (particularly in Florida), a smaller contingent of the AMU is operated at MLB through the auspices of the NWS and is subject to local oversight.  For more details on MLB's role, please refer to supporting sections of this web document.

If you have questions regarding the AMU as it supports the space program, please contact Dr. Frank Merceret (Chief of the Applied Meteorology Unit, NASA/KSC) by email at  If you have questions regarding the AMU as it supports the American public, please contact Bart Hagemeyer (Meteorologist-in-Charge, NWS/MLB) by e:mail at


The AMU Contingent at NWS/MLB (AMU-South)

About Us:

The mission of the Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU-North) is to improve operational weather analysis and forecasting in support of spaceflight and ground operations at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and the Eastern Range (ER) through the transitioning of new technologies and concepts into 45th Weather Squadron (USAF/45WS) and Spaceflight Meteorology Group (NWS/SMG) operations.  While fulfilling this primary goal, residents of east central Florida also benefit through the transition of these same technologies and concepts into operations at the Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Melbourne (NWS/MLB) as initiatives may apply.  To facilitate a proper critical evaluation process for potential use, a small NWS contingent of the AMU was implemented at MLB (AMU-South), thereby having a similar mission as AMU-North.  However, while AMU-North focuses directly on supporting the space program, AMU-South focuses directly on supporting the American public.  The AMU-South exists through the auspices of the NWS with oversight and leadership exercised locally by the Meteorologist-in-Charge and the Science & Operations Officer.  This is in addition to their normal WFO duties.  To ensure that scientific demands are met, an additional meteorologist is added to MLB's forecast team.  Importantly, due to the diversity of talent required, annual duties are shared among several forecasters (typically two to three) to add-up to a single FTE.  Further, the tri-agency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for "The Operation of the Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU)" states that NWS MLB is to provide "workspace sufficient to conduct AMU-South operations" and to provide a "focal point for the AMU".  As a result, the AMU-South is also obliged to "enhance the application of unique skills and resources from the NWS/MLB, toward operational Shuttle weather support by the USAF/45WS and the NWS/SMG" as they may apply.  This is accomplished either by collaboratively contributing to certain AMU-North tasking initiatives, or engaging in initiatives separate from those tasked to AMU-North but still of benefit to the community.  Scientific endeavors conducted by AMU-South are in addition to those conducted by other NWS/MLB meteorologists (that is, those typically conducted by NWS WFOs). 

Our Personnel:  (click to e:mail)

AMU/MLB Meteorologists:  Scott Spratt (Sr. Met.); Peter Blottman (Sr. Met)
AMU/MLB Leadership: David Sharp (SOO); Bart Hagemeyer (MIC)

Our Mission:

"To collaboratively further the science of Florida Meteorology through applied research and the transition of new concepts and technology for improving routine weather support to the American public and to the nation's space program."

Our Vision:

"To create an environment where operations and applied research co-exist such that local forecast and warning problems of impact are continually and expertly addressed; to become an example of excellence in scientific meteorological collaboration among the spaceflight community, as well as other government agencies, universities, and private sector partners.

Supporting Information:

The AMU contingent at the Weather Forecast Office in Melbourne, FL

Meteorologist Position Description
History and Background
Annual Strategic Plan & Past Accomplishments
FY04 Strategic Plan (under final evaluation)
FY03 Accomplishments
FY02 Accomplishments
FY01 Accomplishments
Other Past Accomplishments

Additional Links

Technical Interchange Meetings
AMU/MLB Local Studies
NWS Melbourne Research
Shuttle Launch Commit & Landing Criteria (reference)
* * * Sample Of Current Activities * * *
Data Assimilation and High Resolution Analyses
High Resolution Local Modeling
Local Hazardous Weather Graphics for Tropical Cyclones (IFPS/GFE)
Daily Hazardous Weather Graphics ("Local Threat")

  • For further information regarding the AMU as it supports the space program, please contact: Dr. Frank Merceret (NASA/AMU) by email at  
  • For further information regarding the AMU as it supports other weather interests in east central Florida, please contact: Bart Hagemeyer (NWS/MLB) by e:mail at

Collaborative Agencies:

logoNASA/KSC logo45WS/USAF logo NWS/SMG logoNWS/MLB  
 National Weather Service
 Melbourne, Florida
 421 Croton Road
 Melbourne, Florida 32935
 Page last modified: December 15, 2003

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