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Management & Budget Services

We manage the Southern Region's Budget and provide administrative support for the Regional Field Offices. A staff of seven employees provide information and guidance pertaining to: travel, procurement, training/supplies budgets, and EEO matters to a region of approximately 960 employees in ten states and Puerto Rico. As we continue modernization, additional budgets and other related programs will increase the Management and Budget Services functions to provide timely and accurate data to Regional Headquarters and field offices.

Camille Dyer (email) Chief, Management & Budget Services (W/SRx1)
Phone: 817.978.1111 x110
Fax: 817.978.2022

NOAA Locator
NOAA Jobs and Volunteer Programs
OPM Job Listings
Equal Employment Opportunity
Sexual Harrassment Policy Statement
Fed Employee's Digest
  Management & Budget Services Phone Extension Mail Routing Code
Mark Hunter Budget Officer x152 W/SR5x1
Gena Morrison EEO/Human Resources Manager x184 W/SR5x2
Lily Garcia Support Services Specialist x151 W/SR5x3
Mary Beth Slayton Budget Analyst x154 W/SR5x4
Leslie Carnahan Budget Analyst x150 W/SR5x5
Valerie Burke Travel/Budget Assistant x162 W/SR5x6
  Mail & Records x149 W/SR5x7
Sexual Harassment Policy Statement 
We all want to work in an environment free of psychological stress, intimidation, and hostility due to sexual harassment. We treat others as valued coworkers and respect their feelings. However, a line does exist in which actions, or perceived actions, can transcend to sexual harassment and it is important that everyone fully understand the definition and implications of sexual harassment in the workplace. We value healthy professional relationships, and sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the Southern Region.

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. There are two kinds of sexual harassment. Quid pro quo harassment occurs when an unwelcome sexual advance is directly or indirectly made a requirement of employment; or an employment decision is based on a person's submission to, or rejection of, unwelcome sexual advances. Hostile environment harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual conduct is intended to or unreasonably interferes with a person's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Complaints of sexual harassment in the workplace may be filed under 29 CFR Part 1613 and are cognizable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. The NOAA EEO complaint system is structured to deal sensitively with complaints of sexual harassment. If you believe you have been a victim of sexual harassment, you should seek guidance from an Equal Employment Opportunity Manager or contact an EEO Counselor in the NOAA Civil Rights Office.

National Weather Service
Southern Region Headquarters
Page last modified: September 30, 2003
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