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Veterans Day Features |   Previous Features 

 »   Veterans Day features a teachers guide that suggests classroom activities and provides information about organizing a school assembly, the Veterans History Project, the history of Veterans Day, respecting the flag, and more. (Department of Veterans Affairs)

Interesting fact: "The Story of Veterans Day" will air nationally on Thursday, Nov. 11, at 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. ET/PT on the History Channel.
      Image of the American flag
Veterans Day Teacher Guide

 »   Veterans History Project is collecting oral histories, letters, diaries, and photos of America's war veterans and those supported them. Libraries, museums, and civic groups can read about model veterans projects and start a project in their community. (Library of Congress)

Interesting fact: D-Day was only the beginning for Allied forces intent on recapturing Europe from German domination. Alvin Dickson was one of thousands of soldiers whose job sounded simple: take back every town and every farm, and don’t stop until you reach Berlin or the Germans surrender. Read more.
      Richard Peterson, POW processing photo, 1942
Richard Henry Peterson

 »   VA Kids offers information about America's veterans, the U.S. flag, and the history of Veterans Day. It includes a resource guide for teachers, as well as classroom projects and activities for Veterans Day. (Department of Veterans Affairs)

Interesting fact: When two or more flags are flown from the same pole, the American flag must be on top. Also, when the flag is flown at half-staff, it should be pulled to the top for a moment, and then lowered to the half-staff position. Read more.
      Image of Lincoln in front of the flag
"... to care for him..."

 »   From the Home Front and the Front Lines consists of original materials and oral histories drawn from the Veterans History Project, which collects and preserves the experiences of America's war veterans and those who supported them.

Interesting fact: Corporal Vincent Cornelius Reed served in the 358th Infantry, 90th Division, Army of Occupation, American Expedition Forces, between April 30, 1918 and June 16, 1919. In this wartime diary, Reed recounts his experiences in Germany and France. Read more.
      Image of the American flag
Rescue flag

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Last update November 3, 2004 (pjk)