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Geomagnetic Storm: November 2003
Coronal Mass Ejections from sunspot 10484 sweep by the Earth on November 20, 2003, generating aurora displays worldwide. This view is from the Polar spacecraft with a false-color data overlaid on the Earth's surface. Red marks the highest intensity, blue the lowest.

The aurora in false color from 08:06:32UT to 08:56:24UT.    The aurora in false color from 08:06:32UT to 08:56:24UT.

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A maximal time for the aurora (08:09:08 UT).    A maximal time for the aurora (08:09:08 UT).

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Animator: Tom Bridgman
Studio: SVS
Date Completed: November 21, 2003
Duration: 44 frames, 1.466667 seconds
Scientist: Nicola Fox (JHU/APL), John B. Sigwarth (University of Iowa)
Instrument: Polar
Datasets: VIS
Keywords: aurora
DLESESubject: Space science
Data Collected: 2003/11/20
PAOID: G03-014
Animation Series: Solar Storm 2003

Please give credit for this visualization to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

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