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Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America

The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) is the only national volunteer health agency dedicated solely to the fight against myasthenia gravis (see "Myasthenia Gravis - A Summary").  For additional information on the goals of the Foundation see the Mission and Vision statements.

Myasthenia gravis: Most often, an acquired disorder that results in fatiguable muscle weakness, made worse by activity and improved with rest. It results from an autoimmune attack against the nerve-muscle junction. Other forms of the illness are caused by architectural changes of the nerve-muscle junction.

This page updated on:  October 16, 2004

new.gif (1556 bytes) October 9, 2004  The revised Fall 2004 MGFA Newsletter is online.

new.gif (1556 bytes) Sept. 28, 2004  The 2004 Scientific Session Program in Toronto, Canada.

new.gif (1556 bytes) April 23, 2004  Valeant Pharmaceuticals International (new name for ICN Phamaceuticals) has extended the $20 Savings Certificate for Mestinon.  Along with the $20 savings a donation of $10 will be made by Valeant to the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Inc.

MestinonSavingsCertificate.jpg (8566 bytes) Click on the image to the list to use the Savings Certificate on the Valeant website.

new.gif (1556 bytes) March 19, 2004  Now available from the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Inc., the award winning training video, "Double Vision, Scrambled Voice - Clinical Presentations of Myasthenia Gravis."     The video, designed for use in training medical professionals and students, has been awarded a CINE Golden Eagle Award and was a winner in the Communicator Awards 2003 Video Competition. "Double Vision, Scrambled Voice - Clinical Presentations of Myasthenia Gravis" is available in both DVD and VHS format for $25.00 each plus shipping through MGFA.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  A new Myasthenia Gravis Medication Information Card has been approved and is available from the National Office.   In addition, a complete Medications and Myasthenia Gravis Reference for Health Care Professionals has also been approved and placed online for health care professionals to read and/or download. 


Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America
1821 University Ave. W., Suite S256
St. Paul, MN 55104

Telephone - (651) 917-6256 or (800) 541-5454
:  (651) 917-1835

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This webpage is supported solely by the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Inc.
All webpage design is provided by volunteers.


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