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An error occured!

No URL was passed to the server.

Syntax 1: (Link)
<A HREF="/fcc-bin/bye[?URL]">


Syntax 2: (Link)
<A HREF="/fcc-bin/bye[?url=URL][&title;=Title+String][&timer;=seconds]">


Syntax: (Form)
<Form Action="/fcc-bin/bye" Method="POST">
<Input Type="Hidden" Name="url" Value="http://www.fcc.gov/">
<Input Type="Hidden" Name="title" Value="Web Page Title string">
<Input Type="Hidden" Name="timer" Value="10">
<Input Type="Submit" Value="Go!">

Idealy this script would be passed as /bye from the server. So that the only chage that would be needed to each page that has an externel URL would be to prepend /bye? to the URL.


Sites with similar programs:

Please send a message to webmaster@fcc.gov and inform us of this error. Please send the URL of the web page that linked you to this page , so that we may fix this problem in the future.