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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

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Sen. Pete Domenici, center, talks with Laboratory Director G. Peter Nanos and the Laboratory's three 2004 E. O. Lawrence Award winners after Monday's address to employees in the Administration Building Auditorium at Technical Area 3. Shown at left are Greg Swift of Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics (MST-10), and Fred Mortensen of Thermonuclear Applications (X-2). Standing between Domenici and Nanos is Bette Korber of Theoretical Biology and Biophysics (T-10). Domenici lauded the Laboratory for having three E.O. Lawrence and five R and D 100 award winners this year.

Domenici: "We have done well, but we must do better"

Senator commends depth and breadth of Lab's science

"My support of what you do has not waned, and my feeling that you are great has not diminished," Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M,. said Monday at a "State of the Laboratory" address in the Administration Building Auditorium at Technical Area 3.

Laboratory Director G. Peter Nanos introduced Domenici, hailing him as a steadfast advocate for Los Alamos and its science, no matter how tough the times.

Domenici commended the depth and breadth of the Lab's scientific endeavors calling it second to none. Citing the three E.O. Lawrence and five R&D 100 award winners as leading indicators, Domenici predicted that the Lab's "diversification will continue and ... grow, even though the cornerstone of the maintenance of this lab will be maintaining and securing our nation's nuclear weapons."

Domenici portrayed himself as a "true advocate of science and technology" or, what Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley calls a "technology optimist." Domenici noted that whenever the national laboratories confront significant challenges - be they augmenting a dwindling water supply or exploring alternative energy sources - "great scientists will respond ... and their response will be victory."

Domenici emphasized that "in Congress, respect for work at the Lab has indeed grown." Nevertheless, given this summer's events and the upcoming contract competition, "it is incumbent on everybody here and the University of California to showcase the strengths of this Lab and to demonstrate that [the Lab] has overcome [its] shortcomings." The Lab bears an enormous public trust; as a result, Los Alamos must represent not just the best scientific research but also the highest standards of safety and security, Domenici said.

Regarding the contract competition for management of the Laboratory, Domenici pledged that real, bona fide credentials, and not politics, would drive the process. Collaborating with the University of California "created an environment that fostered world-class scientific research, including winning the Cold War," Domenici said to spontaneous applause. "I'm not in any hurry to break up a team with a superb scientific record."

In closing, Domenici urged employee to "work with Director Nanos, me and others who represent you to develop a strong science vision for the future ... We have done well, but we must do better." Safety and security must underpin great science, Domenici said. As long as this is true, Domenici said he is proud to represent the Lab, champion its interests and proclaim that "what you do and how you do it is absolutely second to none."

While at the Laboratory, Domenici had lunch with senior managers and some scientists, and after talking to employees met with local news media representatives.

Domenici's talk can be viewed on LABNET Channel 10. Go to http://www.hr.lanl.gov/TIO/labnet10.htm online for scheduled viewing times.

--Brooke Kent

Sen. Pete Domenici told Laboratory workers that its science is second to none at a talk Monday in the Administration Building Auditorium. Photos by LeRoy N. Sanchez, Public Affairs

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