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All Appropriate Inquiries Standard Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Agenda - Second Meeting

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
All Appropriate Inquiry Negotiated Rulemaking Committee

Second Meeting
EPA East –1200 Constitution Avenue NW
Conference Room 1117A
Washington, DC

June 10-11, 2003
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM


Tuesday, June 11, 2003

8:30 - Agenda Review

8:45 - Review and Adopt Ground Rules

9:00 - Review and Adopt April 29-30 Meeting Summary

9:30 - Presentation on State and Federal Brownfield Site Assessment Guidelines and ASTM Standards

  • Jay Pendergrass, Senior Attorney; Director, Center for State, Local, and Regional Environmental Programs, Environmental Law Institute
  • Charles Bartsch, Senior Policy Analyst, Northeast-Midwest Institute

11:45 - Report from the Flow Chart Work Group – Karl Kalbacher, Administrator, Environmental Restoration & Redevelopment Program, Maryland Department of Environmental Protection

12:15 - LUNCH

1:30 - Discussion of Issues (we'll cover as much as we can)
Review draft regulatory language

2:30 - Public Comment

3:00 - Continue Discussion of Issues including
CRITERIA #3 and associated issues
CRITERIA #4 and associated issues

4:30 - Conclude Day 1

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

8:30 - Discussion of Issues (cont'd.)
CRITERIA #5 and associated issues
CRITERIA #6 and associated issues
CRITERIA #7 and associated issues
CRITERIA #8 and associated issues

12:15 - LUNCH

1:30 - Discussion of Issues (cont'd.)
CRITERIA #9 and associated issues

2:30 - Public Comment

3:00 - Discussion of Issues (cont'd.)
CRITERIA #10 and associated issues
If time permits, begin discussion of additional issues.

4:15 - Next Steps

4:30 - Conclude


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